Now that the interactive portion of the SXSW conference in Austin, Texas is over, the key question is already rolling in: who won? What this really means, of course, is:…

At SXSW, Advertising Was This Year's Twitter, iPad 2 Was This Year's Foursquare

SXSW Keynoter Felicia Day is a post-modern day success story. After feeling frustrated with mainstream media’s lack of enthusiasm for stories about gamers, she took her idea for as series…

Late last week, we first wrote about SoundTracking, a new iPhone application from Schematic Labs that allows you to easily share not only the music you’re listening to, but the…

AOL Asks Us If We Can Tone It Down

11:21 am PDT • March 15, 2011

Earlier this week interviewed Duncan Jones and Jake Gyllenhaal at SXSW, at the press junket for their movie The Source Code. While the film doesn’t have a huge tech angle…

If you care about the well-being of the Internet, you care about net neutrality. You just might not realize it yet. This morning, Senator Al Franken took to the stage…

One of the most eagerly awaited movies debuting at SXSW this year is the Swedish production Press, Pause, Play. It’s an examination of both the benefits and the downside of…

In the location space, there’s something that has long been the missing link: a unified places database. The problem, of course, is that all the major players, Foursquare, Facebook, Google,…

In The Midst Of A Massively Successful SXSW, Foursquare Tackles Venue Harmonization

There are few things better than free beer. Mix that with melted cheese and toasted bread, and you have a combination that satisfies even the deepest of human desires. And…

It’s that time again: time to revel in Web 2.0! We’re teaming up with TUAW and Peel for our first annual SXSW Interactive reader meet-up in Austin. Meet the TC…

Today’s SXSW keynote speaker is Seth Priebatsch, founder and CEO of location-based gaming startup SCVNGR. SCVNGR has had a big week — on Thursday the site launched a spinoff service called…

Between movies being funded on Kickstarter, a critically acclaimed movie about Facebook, and Twitter basically serving as a backchannel for the Oscars, Hollywood increasingly has to reconcile itself with the…

By now, even if you’re not at SXSW, you’re likely sick of SXSW. Why? Because every other damn tweet is about SXSW. I’m here, and tweeting about it, and I’m…

This Post Has Nothing to do with #SXSW

10:38 am PST • March 12, 2011

For the next four days if you’re in the tech industry you’re going to hear a non-stop stream of information about SXSW. It’s the time of year when many new…

This Post Has Nothing to do with #SXSW

By now you’ve doubtless heard of the many group messaging startups looking to help multiple people keep in touch with each other — there’s been endless buzz about how these will…

Today at a SXSW talk, Google VP Marissa Mayer took the stage to talk about location — mobile location, in particular. The theme isn’t a surprise since Mayer recently shifted her…

Last night many of us returned from grabbing drinks with friends here in Austin, opened our computers, and, because of a 9.0 earthquake in Northern Japan, became witness to some…

Don’t sleep on the mini mobile photo sharing battle that is going to take place at SXSW this year — the companies involved aren’t. Following updates to PicPlz and Instagram,…

For all the talk of group messaging apps being the breakout hits at SXSW this year, most people are overlooking another genre: mobile photo-sharing apps. But that’s probably because a…

With Tilt-Shift And A News Feed, Instagram Is Ready To Rock SXSW

Twitter allows you to share a short message at any given time. Foursquare allows you to share your location at any given time. Instagram allows you to share your photos…

SoundTracking Sets Out To Share Your Music Moments In A Postcard-Like Manner

Because you ain’t nobody unless you have a special version of your app for SXSW, Posterous has today released its own effort with Posterous Events, a which allows people at…

Seed funded by Accel and Battery Ventures, Loosecubes is a workplace sharing community with a focus on co-working. Unlike Liquidspaces, which primarily matches people with work spaces, Loosecubes founder Campbell…

San Francisco is a ghost town right now. It seems as if the entire city has packed up and headed to Austin, Texas for SXSW. The conference was too big…

Hipster, the oddly named local Q&A site that was up for three months in Boulder, CO, shut down in order to relaunch, went viral despite being in “stealth” a month…

Apple is setting up a pop-up store at West Sixth Street and Congress, a few blocks from SXSW proper, in order to abate the fears of the hordes of hipsters…

Before It Even Begins, Apple Wins SXSW

2:22 am PST • March 10, 2011

Over the past week, there’s been a major dilemma in Geekland: what do we do on March 11? You see, we’ve known for months that it’s the first day of…

Startups gearing up for the SXSW are shining up their apps and hoping to Wow the crowds of iPhone-toting hipsters by releasing major upgrades in advance of the Austin conference.…

GroupMe Squeezes Out A "2.1 More Thing" Release Before SXSW

Immediately following their launch a few months ago, I noted that Beluga was my group messaging app of choice. I didn’t expect that to change leading up to SXSW —…

I’m Already Sick Of SXSW

10:29 pm PST • March 7, 2011

I had a conversation today with a colleague to discuss our SXSW Interactive strategy. My coworker figured, rightfully, that SXSW would be a shitshow and that maybe we should use…

Of all the startups launching things at SXSW this year, the most closely watched may be Foursquare, since they’re a company that got their beginning at the conference two years…

Foursquare's SXSW: Version 3.0, Party, Concert, 18 New Badges, And A Genius Amex Deal

We’re a week away from the SXSW conference in Austin, Texas and it’s becoming very clear what the big battleground will be this year: group messaging apps. Just like micro-messaging…