google buzz

When Google Buzz launched three weeks ago, the product wasn’t ready. There were basic privacy issues that still needed to be hammered out (and were quickly addressed by Google), but…

Why Google Pushed Buzz Out The Door Before It Was Ready

Since Facebook started on a college campus, it makes sense that they celebrate kegs. But did you know they actually have a Facebook application dedicated to the keg in their…

Google News is testing out a new design, as I reported earlier this month. It includes trending topics on the left and new personalization options. But today someone in the…

Fundamentally, what I liked about FriendFeed was that it gave me a way to take all kinds of social data and create a tailored way to view it. And though…

Social sharing is becoming a big contributor to traffic for many sites. While Facebook and Twitter drive more sharing than any other services, Google is trying to compete with Buzz,…

Google Buzz is now two weeks old. I decided to hold off on writing about it (beyond my overview on launch day), until I had a solid amount of time…

Loud Noises! Google Buzz Is A Broken Instrument Capable Of Beautiful Music.

Location-based services are all the rage right now. Even everyone seems to agree that the controversial Google Buzz did at least one thing right in adding a location element to…

Please Rob Me Makes Foursquare Super Useful For Burglars

A week ago Google launched Google Buzz. And Google’s 175 million or so wordwide Gmail users (Comscore) suddenly had this new and noisy addition to their beloved inbox. It’s been…

Google Buzz Warning: Force Feeding Users Can Result In Vomiting

As we noted this morning, Google isn’t wasting any time in responding to user criticism about Buzz. Now they’ve rolled out another set of changes to further address Buzz’s privacy…

Google Buzz launched with more than its fair share of privacy issues, leading to a significant backlash from some users. Fortunately the Buzz team is fixing these issues at a…

Well, pretty much everyone screwed up this story today, so it’s time for some clarification. Despite what you may have read all over the web, Google is not removing Buzz…

No, Buzz Is Not Being Clipped From Gmail. It MAY Get A Separate Web App Though.

Google Buzz Privacy Issues Have Real Life Implications

5:56 am PST • February 12, 2010

Merging something designed for public broadcasting (Buzz) with something inherently private (Gmail) was just looking for trouble. Google is -deservedly – getting a lot of heat for the fact that…

The danger in creating an instant social network around email contacts, as Google Buzz does with Gmail, is that the boundaries between what is private and what is public are…

Watch Out Who You Reply To On Google Buzz, You Might Be Exposing Their Email Address

Just two days in and Google is already sharing some Google Buzz stats and improvements. Notably, the company says that there are already “tens of million of people” checking out…

Love it or hate it, everyone is talking about Google Buzz right now. And, judging from my account, a ton of people are actually using it too. The main use…

Say Hello To The Buzz Button. Google Didn't Make It, So We Did.

When it came to Facebook and Twitter, it took brands a while to figure out how to take advantage of the social networks. With Foursquare, they have been much faster.…

Brands Wasting No Time With Google Buzz. This Could Get Annoying.

Naturally, which you launch a new product with a huge amount of hype, like Google Buzz, you’re going to want to own the .com domain name for it. And Google…

Today, Google’s social strategy took a big step with the launch of Google Buzz — a new FriendFeed-like feature that’s integrated into Gmail, mobile search, Maps, and more (you can…

As soon as Google Buzz was released earlier today, all the early adopters piled in to give it a spin. Paul Buchheit, the creator of Gmail and a founder of…

FriendFeed (and Gmail) Founder's Reaction To Google Buzz: "This Seems Vaguely Familiar"

Microsoft Slams Google Buzz

12:20 pm PST • February 9, 2010

“Busy people don’t want another social network, what they want is the convenience of aggregation. We’ve done that. Hotmail customers have benefitted from Microsoft working with Flickr, Facebook, Twitter and…

Yahoo Not Pleased With Google Buzz's Buzz

12:18 pm PST • February 9, 2010

Google officially unveiled Buzz, their major step into social statuses through Gmail today at an event held at 10 AM PT. Within the hour, Yahoo PR was set in motion…

During the Q&A session today following the Google Buzz event, Google co-founder Sergey Brin revealed something both humorous and interesting. When asked a question about practical uses for Google Buzz,…

Screenshots: Google Buzz In Action

11:17 am PST • February 9, 2010

Now that the Google event is over, the company has started turning on Buzz for Gmail users. Here are some quick screenshots of it in action.

See our live notes from today’s Google Buzz event here. Google has a problem. Despite having their hands in just about everything online, they’ve never been able to tackle what…

If Google Wave Is The Future, Google Buzz Is The Present

This morning, Google is hosting an event at its Mountain View, CA headquarters to show off a new social product it has been working on. Google VP of Product Management…

Morning Buzz: Live From Google's Major Step Into The Social Spotlight