

Ballmer's Silver Hammer

2:46 pm PDT • September 22, 2009

With Windows 7 shipping in less than a month, we’re sure to smell a whiff of the Microsoft of old from the Pacific Northwest. After years of dropped balls and…

Every month since its launch, Microsoft’s Bing search engine keeps taking a little bit of market share. In August, Bing gained 0.4 percent to end the month with 9.3 percent…

Bing Pops With Visual Search

10:29 am PDT • September 14, 2009

Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand keywords. Today at TechCrunch50, Microsoft senior vice president Yusuf Mehdi announced a new visual search feature on Bing which returns results as an…

Bing Loves The Porn Hounds (Updated)

7:02 pm PDT • September 9, 2009

Bing is an excellent search engine. For one thing the surprising early reviews probably forced Yahoo’s hand as they entered into one of the dumber corporate transactions I’ve ever seen.…

Remember that online competition Microsoft Australia set up where they’d give away $10,000 to someone who found the cash, that was buried somewhere on the Internet? The aim was to…

Residents of San Francisco are a bit put off by the temporary closure of the Bay Bridge this holiday weekend. For the next 2+ days, the short bridge commute between…

Websites large and small are quickly learning that a sure way to make something go viral is to make it easy to share on Facebook and Twitter. Why should search…

Since February, Google has been quietly testing a new type of search functionality: AJAX search. Basically, Google uses more advanced JavaScript to make search result pages load even faster by…

Microsoft’s ad blitz for Bing is still going strong, and it’s starting to hone in on a new target: your wallet. Bing’s latest TV ad, which aired for the first…

We are overwhelmed with the 168 responses to our “It’s A Meme! Get Photoshop Warmed Up And Win A Bing Tshirt” post where we asked you, the readers, to come…

There is no denying that Bing’s Double Cashback promotion served up some great deals. But apparently they were so good that Microsoft had to end the deal a full four…

If you’re doing a web search on your iPhone, chances are that you’re using the built-in search bar in the Safari browser. And if you’re using that, chances are that…

There’s always been a tension in search between organizing information for users and getting out of the way so they can get to that information as quickly as possible. With…

Back in the 1990s during the original browser wars between Netscape and Internet Explorer, one of Microsoft’s chief weapons was the ability to bundle IE into Windows as the default…

When it comes jumping on new trends in technology, CNN, like most other mainstream media sources is usually fairly slow to act. Sure, they’ve been hyping up Twitter non-stop for…

In the two months since Microsoft launched Bing, its new search engine has taken nearly a full point in market share in the U.S. But overseas, the Bing effect is…

The Q&A session following Yahoo’s “What Matters Most” event today was interesting. That is, interesting if you’re confused by the whole Bing/Yahoo strategy going forward. And it would certainly be…

Computer scientist Stephen Wolfram gave a report today listing what the team at Wolfram Alpha, his new search engine, did this summer. They added new knowledge domains and over 2…

Meet the Real Live Search, a web app with the tagline, “your browser and Bing’s AJAX APIs make sweet love”. No, this isn’t real-time in the sense that you can…

Another month, another report that Bing is chiming slightly louder. Analytics firm comScore has just released its latest figures on search market share, and once again Microsoft’s search engine has…

Search Engines are like sharks: If they stop moving, they die. Okay, I’m not even sure if that’s really true about sharks. In fact, I’m pretty sure it’s not. But…

Have you tried out this blind search tool yet? It provides results from Google, Yahoo and Bing in three columns but doesn’t tell you which column is which search engine.…

Some people have the thinnest skins. Jonathan Mann, known on YouTube as “The Rock Cookie Bottom,” won a $500 contest that Microsoft was holding to encourage people to create a…

A few weeks ago, we wrote about the contest Microsoft’s new search engine Bing was holding to find a catchy jingle for the product. Today, they have announced the winner.…

Image search is an area of intense competition between Google, Yahoo, and now Bing. Today, Google Images added some search options to make it easier to filter a search by…

TechCrunch co-editor Erick Schonfeld appeared on Charlie Rose last night to discuss the Microsoft/Yahoo search deal alongside Steven Levy of Wired and Nick Wingfield of The Wall Street Journal. The…

The Laptop Company, operator of a web-based shopping platform through its BongoBing website, has filed a request for an extension of time to oppose Microsoft in its efforts to register…

And Bingo Was His Name-o

5:00 pm PDT • July 30, 2009

Last February, when the news of the original Microsoft-Yahoo deal first broke, it didn’t take long before people were Photoshopping new logos. Flickr users were especially passionate, fearing that a…

Yahoo Got Binged

1:48 pm PDT • July 29, 2009

Today, Yahoo died as a search engine. If the deal with Microsoft is approved, what will replace it will be Bing, the search engine that Microsoft launched only two months…

So, Microsoft had that contest where it would feature one user’s picture on Bing for an entire day — you know, the one I was mad about because you couldn’t…