February 2011

We’re camped outside of HTC’s event at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, where a handful of broken embargoes have just spoiled the mood a bit. Fortunately, the leaked news is…

Are you addicted to Facebook? (Or, as they say on the streets: are you hooked on the ‘book?) Has your inner urge to look at drunk pictures of your friends…

Tablets, tablets, tablets, tablets. iPads! Touchpads! Playbooks! G-Slates! These days, it seems like you’re not one of the cool kids unless you’ve got your own tablet. As of this morning,…

Here’s an interesting figure: Valve makes more money per employee than Google or Apple. While we can easily figure out how much the publicly traded Google and Apple make per…

Facebook wants to be everywhere. They’ve made this very clear. They want to be on your desktop, on your laptop, on your smartphone, on your tablet, and on your dumbphone.…

Facebook SIMs, HTC/INQ Phones — Facebook's Phone Project Lingers, But It's None Of Those

My friends over at the WSJ have been knocking it out of the park lately, reporting last night that social gaming phenomenon Zynga is raising a new $250 million round…

A few days ago, we foretold of the Boeing event where they would release the new 747-8: Boeing’s largest airliner ever built. Well it happened, and Wired got some good…

We love us some MakerBot at CG and clearly this young man loves his as well. Watch has he describes the magic of actually making stuff with his MakerBot at…

I’ve never understood why people on diets exclusively drink “diet” sodas — does advertising work that well? For starters, diet soda tastes like crap, offers absolutely no dietary benefits, and are full…

Millennial Media has released its monthly mobile report this evening, and it looks like Android has continued its reign at the top of the network in terms of mobile ad…


Merrell Barefoot Trail Glove Reviewed

8:23 pm PST • February 14, 2011

If you’re a big VFF fan, you may have been thinking about moving toward a more closed shoe for trail running but didn’t want to sacrifice the delicious toe splay…

Our good buddies at Xetum are offering a post-Valentine’s treat: a new, limited-edition Tyndall with carbon-fiber dial and automatic movement. Xetum makes some of the best and most handsome American-designed…

So I learned two things today: companies in Wisconsin make cheese in cans and, more important, once you empty those cans you can make a Canjo. These things, built buy…

Nerds Ditch Grammys for New York's First Music Hackday

7:49 pm PST • February 14, 2011

With more references to Justin Bieber than a Valentine’s day party at an all-girls Canadian middle school, Music Hackday rolled into New York City this past weekend. Event organizers John…

Did you all just see that? The IBM Jeopardy Challenge kicked off tonight, and Watson, the IBM-developed artificial intelligence absolutely more than held his own against his human competition. Mechanical…

Last October Amazon launched a feature that’s exciting for developers: a free usage tier that provides a limited amount of access to EC2, S3, and Amazon’s other cloud products free…

It’s rare that we get access to insider information as AOL employees here at TechCrunch HQ, so we have to rely on our mad reporting skills and the strength of…

It’s hard to believe that it wasn’t even a year ago when I wrote the following post: What Happens When Apple Passes Microsoft In Value? Yes, When. It’s even harder to…

Apple Now The Most Valuable Tech Company By $100 Billion; Google Closing In On Microsoft

Dick Costolo started off his speech at Mobile World Congress mentioning the fact that Twitter is very multi-platform, and how that’s a huge advantage. He siad the goals going forward…

Tonight, I will begin the road to better sleep — or so Zeo claims. Zeo is a personal sleep coach (alarm clock) that watches how you sleep and helps “coach”…

There’s no better way to spend your Valentine’s Day than a new episode OMG/JK (I’ve been practicing my rhyming). So grab some chocolates, pull up a chair, and hold your…

Bad news for those of you in the audience who love energy drinks, particularly those of you with children or younger siblings. Well, and if you make a habit of…

I’ve been wandering around Mobile World Congress and I managed to bump into a startup which – although unable to can’t afford the expensive stands here – actually has an…

Where will you be tomorrow morning at 0437 GMT? If you’re a Nasa engineer odds are you’ll be glued to your many monitors, keeping a watchful on your Stardust spaceshipas…

Burn! According to sources, Alibaba Group’s CEO Jack Ma is in town and he’s not even paying a courtesy call to his estranged partners at Yahoo. Ma was spotted dining…

When it comes to realtime news, the prevailing wisdom these days is to let your friends tell you what to read through Twitter or Facebook. Instead of editors, people are…

Looking to get a bit more zoom on the iPhone? Tired of pixelating your photos with the terrible digital zoom? Then check out this iPhone Telephoto Zoom over at Photojojo.…

It’s time once again for another CrunchDeal. This one comes from Logitech by way of the Logitech Z-4 80-watt 2.1-Channel Speaker System. I still got my Logitech X-230s from years…

By now you’re probably familiar with Google’s friendly green Android robot, who pops up at Android events and in various press material (a giant version also sits in front of…

Back in late December of last year, we noted a huge milestone for photo-sharing app Instagram: a million users. As we noted at the time, remarkably, it took them only…