For The Love Of Sleep, I'll Be Taking The One Week Zeo Challenge

Tonight, I will begin the road to better sleep — or so Zeo claims. Zeo is a personal sleep coach (alarm clock) that watches how you sleep and helps “coach” you to better sleep patterns. Zeo has been doing very well lately and even raised another $12.3 million back in January. You may have heard of similar devices, though some haven’t had as good of luck.

Basically, the Zeo waits to wake you until you are the furthest from deep sleep, allowing you to wake up feeling more refreshed. We sat down with Zeo’s co-founder, Ben Rubin, at CES (choppy video here) where he explained a bit about how Zeo works. What makes Zeo different from other sleep monitors is that it provides all the tools to create a total sleep coaching ecosystem. There’s a web app for adding details about daily habits that take away from your ability to rest properly (coffee after 3pm, computer use 2 hours before bed, etc.). All you have to do is wear the Zeo headband to bed and data is sent to the receiver/clock and stored on an SD card. The data on the card can then be transferred to a PC.

This week, I will use the Zeo every night and chart my scores to report on its effectiveness. I’ll get it to you this Saturday. I usually wake up pretty groggy, so I hope for the best.