
While some brands moved away from web3 in 2023 during a long crypto winter, Puma stayed the course and its head of emerging technology, Ivan Dashkov, told TechCrunch+ it has no…

Why Puma is sticking to its web3 bets as crypto shakes off a long winter

Amazon is tapping into augmented reality in an attempt to appeal to sneakerheads shopping its site. The retailer this morning announced a new feature called Virtual Try-On for Shoes that…

Amazon gets into AR shopping with launch of ‘Virtual Try-On for Shoes’

At Snap’s Partner Summit on Thursday, the Snapchat maker announced a number of new initiatives focused on using its AR technology to aid with online shopping. Most notably, the company…

Snap’s new AR tools turn photos into 3D assets, let retailers use Snap’s AR tech in their own apps

Sneaker fit startup Neatsy.ai has snagged $1 million in seed funding after a B2B pivot. Investors in the round include Cabra VC, Flyer One VC and some unnamed business angels. The…

Sneaker fit startup Neatsy.ai gets $1M seed after B2B pivot

Featured Article

Decrease user churn by better managing expectations

Plus, competitor ads analysis for Facebook, budget explainer ads and more.

10:15 am PST • January 20, 2020
Decrease user churn by better managing expectations

Featured Article

Direct mail still works if you avoid common mistakes

We’ve aggregated many of the world’s best growth marketers into one community. Twice a month, we ask them to share their most effective growth tactics, and we compile them into this Growth Report.

11:40 am PST • November 22, 2019
Direct mail still works if you avoid common mistakes

We’ve aggregated the world’s best growth marketers into one community. Twice a month, we ask them to share their most effective growth tactics, and we compile them into this Growth Report.

Turning Google traffic into leads, and what’s new in SEO

We’ve aggregated the world’s best growth marketers into one community. Twice a month, we ask them to share their most effective growth tactics, and we compile them into this Growth…

Getting more people to open your emails

We’ve aggregated the world’s best growth marketers into one community. Twice a month, we ask them to share their most effective growth tactics, and we compile them into this Growth…

What’s the right way to sponsor a YouTube influencer?

How to get people to open your emails

12:12 pm PDT • September 15, 2019

We’ve aggregated the world’s best growth marketers into one community. Twice a month, we ask them to share their most effective growth tactics, and we compile them into this Growth…

How to get people to open your emails

We’ve aggregated the world’s best growth marketers into one community. Twice a month, we ask them to share their most effective growth tactics, and we compile them into this Growth…

How to get your ads working, and whether PR is worth it

We’ve aggregated the world’s best growth marketers into one community. Twice a month, we ask them to share their most effective growth tactics, and we compile them into this Growth…

How to work with top influencers and avoid ad blockers

No one has any trouble tracking their steps today. But how can you make sure people know you’re doing it? Ostentatiously checking your phone or watch every five minutes is…

Puma reissues its nerdiest shoe ever, the RS-Computer

WHOOP, the company behind the Tesla of health tracking and sports performance wearables, has raised a whopping $25 million in a new round of funding. The round was comprised of…

WHOOP raises $25 million to tell everyone from athletes to execs about their health

Sneaker resale marketplace GOAT has been on a bit of a tear since I covered them nearly two years ago. The streamlined app and the incredibly buzzy sneakerhead market have…

Hot sneaker marketplace GOAT adds former Twitter COO Adam Bain to board

Nike’s been getting all the glory for its self-lacing sneakers – and understandably so. You can’t really beat the built-in promotion of Back to the Future pre-product placement and world class shoe…

Puma’s got its own twist on self-lacing sneakers

Its story is that of an epic battle. Mankind versus machine in a race for dominance. Only one can win. In practice, thankfully, it’s much, much more adorable. A four-wheeled…

Puma’s got a tiny racing robot that can move as fast as Usain Bolt

When I first saw shots of the new Puma phone, I was a little skeptical. It looked decent enough, but the whole solar charging thing made it seem a little…

We’re so caught up with fancy gizmos and gadgets that it’s easy to forget about our elders; technology has a place in their lives, too. While Sagem is busy catering…

UPDATE: Check out our test drive… General Motors and Segway have teamed up on Project PUMA (Personal Urban Mobility and Accessibility), a two-wheeled city vehicle capable of reaching speeds up…


HP to ship Turion X2 (Puma)-based laptops

2:51 am PDT • June 12, 2008

Along with the “b”- and “s”-series laptops, HP announced a handful of Pavilion laptops and a Compaq Presario notebook that will ship with the recently announced Puma chipset from AMD.…

AMD has officially taken the plastic-wrap off of its new high-performance notebook platform, formerly known as “Puma”. The platform consists of the new AMD Turion X2 Ultra Dual-Core Mobile Processor…