The Latest

When Danish entrepreneur Tommy Ahlers sold his ‘social phonebook’ ZYB to Vodafone in 2008 for €31 million and joined the company, it didn’t seem like he would stay forever at…

Yesterday, Apple launched iTunes Ping, their new music social network. Part of that launch was a very basic implementation of Facebook Connect, simply to hook in and find out which…

Facebook Wants To Be In A Relationship With The Big Boys — They Want To Be Just Friends

Looking for a very, very small USB drive? Well, LaCie has got you covered. The new MosKeyto is about as small as I can picture these things getting. It comes…

Good news if you’re a Comcast subscriber and you’ve been looking into their High-Speed 2go product. Comcast just announced that they’ve picked Novatel as the provider for the USB modems…

This is pure rumor and speculation, but it’s too awesome to pass up. A number of small coincidences are suggesting that Duke Nukem Forever might be showing its face at…

Buzzfeed, the Huffington Post of Internet memes, today wins the “more meta than thou” award for making “An Infographic Backlash Infographic” inspired by the tragic tale of a guy whose…

These prices are in no way substantiated, but in case they’re correct, we’ll have wanted to have posted them as soon as they appeared. Several sites are reporting that the…

It’s not clear to me exactly what exactly people like Quincy Jones and Dr Dre do to make their particular brands of audio gear better. I mean, they put their…

Sharp shared some 3D camera goodness with Pocket-lint, just before they announced it at IFA today. In particular, Sharp revealed that they are working on a prototype for the iPhone…

Prepare to get hit by a ton of Sammy marketing. The commercial embedded here is likely just the first wave of Samsung’s assault on the iPad. And it seems that…

Where we’ll be next

When Danish entrepreneur Tommy Ahlers sold his ‘social phonebook’ ZYB to Vodafone in 2008 for €31 million and joined the company, it didn’t seem like he would stay forever at…

Yesterday, Apple launched iTunes Ping, their new music social network. Part of that launch was a very basic implementation of Facebook Connect, simply to hook in and find out which…

Facebook Wants To Be In A Relationship With The Big Boys — They Want To Be Just Friends

Looking for a very, very small USB drive? Well, LaCie has got you covered. The new MosKeyto is about as small as I can picture these things getting. It comes…

Good news if you’re a Comcast subscriber and you’ve been looking into their High-Speed 2go product. Comcast just announced that they’ve picked Novatel as the provider for the USB modems…

This is pure rumor and speculation, but it’s too awesome to pass up. A number of small coincidences are suggesting that Duke Nukem Forever might be showing its face at…

Buzzfeed, the Huffington Post of Internet memes, today wins the “more meta than thou” award for making “An Infographic Backlash Infographic” inspired by the tragic tale of a guy whose…

These prices are in no way substantiated, but in case they’re correct, we’ll have wanted to have posted them as soon as they appeared. Several sites are reporting that the…

It’s not clear to me exactly what exactly people like Quincy Jones and Dr Dre do to make their particular brands of audio gear better. I mean, they put their…

Sharp shared some 3D camera goodness with Pocket-lint, just before they announced it at IFA today. In particular, Sharp revealed that they are working on a prototype for the iPhone…

Prepare to get hit by a ton of Sammy marketing. The commercial embedded here is likely just the first wave of Samsung’s assault on the iPad. And it seems that…