
The next iteration of Microsoft’s venerable flight sim was teased at Gamescom today, and it’s looking good. I remember having a ton of fun in 4.0; hopefully this reboot will…

BioWare has released the debut trailer of Dragon Age 2. If we were to subtitle the trailer and/or game, I’d go with “Dragon Age 2: There, Is That Enough Attitude… We were suitably impressed by the Deus Ex: Human Revolution trailer when it hit just before E3. Unfortunately, as Nicholas noted at the time, it doesn’t really show the…

Here we have a video—a glimpse, really—of Call of Duty: Black Ops’ mutli-player mode. It looks awfully familiar, which, granted, may be the entire point, but as I asked the…

Oh, it’s been about a month or so since Red Dead Redemption has spun around inside my Xbox 360, but Rockstar’s new DLC, the Legends and Killers Pack, may convince…

The friendly folks at VSP Vision Care sent along this quick video explaining how our increased use of computers and smartphones have affected our vision. Remember when you were growing…

A few days ago we learned that the Bugatti Veyron Super Sport is now the fastest production car on the planet. Pretty exciting, yes. A little bit after that we…

Somehow or other I found myself at a Dos Equis dealie the other day. And while I had zero in common with anyone else there—apparently trying to talk about the…

Despite BP’s best (hmm…) efforts, Old Faithful in the Gulf of Mexico keeps on gushing. This is what happens when you tunnel thousands of miles into the Earth under hundreds…

The Man has requested that I put this video here for your entertainment. Then I brought up that the video is two years old—that’s like 2 million years old in…

You see a lot of Steadicam work in movies today, and while the best of it goes unnoticed (as good technical work should), it’s fun to know that behind every…

Some people say… the iPhone 4 is a piece of junk. The latest episode of the greatest show on television, Top Gear, made mention of the issue that has captured…

“Cooperative grasping” sounds kind of like what goes on at the sleazier clubs around here, but we’ll give these seasoned roboticists a pass on that one, because let’s be honest,…

Well this sounds boring. Famous movie director Ridley Scott will create (well, produce) a documentary called “Life in a Day.” Or will he? The thing is, it’s going to be… As you know, Dr. Michio Kaku is the man. The theoretical physicist, perhaps best known for co-founding string field theory, was on The Colbert Report last night talking about…

We’ve seen water-based screens and tech before, and in fact the “illuminated drop” technique specifically has been used to good effect probably for years. Some researchers saw some potential there… By now you must be familiar with Isaiah Mustafa, the man from the Old Spice commercials. You know… the man. After the last commercial hit, dissecting it second by…

Short version: Although they require a little more space to create an image, these DLP-based projectors are worth your consideration — especially the PK201, which had a remarkably clear and…

Yankee Stadium and technology simply don’t mix well together. We already know that the stadium had banned the iPad as part of its “no laptops allowed” policy, and now we…

This is great. If it actually works, it’s like the Surfaceless Surface crossed with… I don’t know, Cooking Mama. Intel Labs’ Tabletop Computing is about natural interactions with real objects,… This is pretty cool, although I think calling it a “display” is stretching the definition a bit. It can display patterns and some basic shapes (I saw a heart…

Ah, how refreshing. Another reminder of the upcoming Robocalypse. People, if we do the machines’ work for them, we have no chance. We’re honestly designing autonomous killer robots?! This is…

Short version: The H30 represents the final and most refined form of the traditional family camcorder. But with HD cameras appearing on every device, is a traditional camcorder something you…


Bionic cat!

5:00 pm PDT • June 25, 2010

Cat with prosthetic legs! This poor fellow (Oscar) was in an accident with a combine, losing his legs. An ambitious veterinarian took him to a neuro-orthopedic surgeon, who crafted little…

Medal of Honor, also known as Modern Warfare With Beards, has a public multi-player beta that’s happening right now. It’s exciting! (But not as exciting as seeing Italy knocked out…

You probably know that Yahtzee has a serious love affair with the original Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. It’s kind of creepy, really. So it’s no surprise that…

From the good folks at AMD comes this, a video explaining the wonders and joys of moving all of our computing… to the Cloud! The soundtrack makes me feel like… Matt had a blast playing this; I wish I’d given it a go before we left Sony’s little press island. Think Wii Sports Resort but with the precision and… Just a quick video to show you that yes indeed, you can play SOCOM with the Move. Quite well if I do say so myself — at least, once…

Rather than use E3 to pile on the mountains and mountains of hype of the big-bidget titles, I’ve elected to sprinkle through our coverage the small little gems that might…