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Remembering the startups we lost in 2021

When we penned the intro for this piece last year, little did we know that — in many ways — we’d still be deep in it by the time 2021’s feature rolled around. Amid another holiday season marred by a new variant, seemingly the more things change — well, you get the picture. Surprisingly, however,…

10:30 am PST • December 27, 2021
Remembering the startups we lost in 2021

Twitter’s premium subscription service, Twitter Blue, is launching today in the U.S. as well as New Zealand, offering an expanded slate of features meant to appeal to Twitter’s most engaged…

Twitter Blue launches in the US and New Zealand with expanded feature set

Distraction-free reading service Scroll will shut down in approximately 30 days and become a feature of Twitter Blue, Twitter confirmed in an email to TechCrunch. Twitter acquired Scroll in May…

Distraction-free reading service Scroll is shutting down and becoming a feature of Twitter Blue

Seksom Suriyapa was seemingly destined to land at a venture firm. A Stanford Law graduate, he worked at two blue-chip investment banks before joining the cybersecurity company McAfee as a…

Talking shop with Twitter’s recent head of corp dev — and now VC — Seksom Suriyapa

Great news for typo-prone tweeters: Twitter Blue, a $2.99 monthly subscription, appears to be coming soon to a Timeline near you. Two weeks ago, researcher Jane Manchun Wong first reported…

Twitter Blue, a $3 monthly subscription service, could be coming soon

Twitter this morning announced it’s acquiring Scroll, a subscription service that offers readers a better way to read through long-form content on the web, by removing ads and other website…

Twitter acquires distraction-free reading service Scroll to beef up its subscription product

Mozilla just announced a new initiative called Firefox Better Web with Scroll, which combines the tracking protection built into its Firefox browser with the ad-free browsing experience offered by Scroll.…

Mozilla expands its partnership with ad-free subscription service Scroll

After a long period of invite-only beta testing, Scroll is officially launching today, offering ad-free access to sites like BuzzFeed News, Business Insider, Salon, Slate and Vox for an introductory…

Scroll launches its subscription offering ad-free access across 300 partner sites

Everyone and their dog seems to have an email newsletter today, but what happens if and when yours takes off? Some have gone down the paid route, but another credible…

The Juggernaut is a subscription media company for the South Asian diaspora

Tony Haile, who previously led analytics company Chartbeat, is trying to rethink the business model for news at his new startup, Scroll. Now he’s adding aggregation and curation to the mix…

Subscription startup Scroll acquires news aggregator Nuzzel