
If the market doesn’t want Micro Focus, why does OpenText? It appears to be a big deal about getting bigger rather than direct synergy with the acquiring company.

OpenText pushes acquisitive approach to growth with $6B Micro Focus deal

Open-source infrastructure and application delivery vendor Suse — the company behind one of the oldest Linux distributions — today announced that it is once again an independent company. The company…

Suse is once again an independent company

Earlier today, Google came out swinging. Seemingly sick of being continuously slapped in the face by the patent issue, Google’s SVP and Chief Legal Officer, David Drummond, wrote a blog…

Google Threw A Punch, Microsoft Fires Back With A Missile

Attachmate Corporation has agreed to acquire technology giant Novell for $6.10 per share in cash in a transaction valued at approximately $2.2 billion. Attachmate is owned by an investment group…


SCO/Novell suit is over, SCO loses

12:01 pm PDT • June 11, 2010

It is over. The SCO’s long-running lawsuit against Novell over a number of patents involved around Unix copyright. In short, SCO claimed to own Unix even after Novell bought it…

New York-based hedge fund Elliott Associates L.P. in a letter to Novell’s board of directors dated March 2 offered to purchase the infrastructure software company for a cash price of…

SCO, the operating system company that has been trying to make a living doing nothing but litigation, is back in the news! When we last heard from the beleaguered company…

Remember SCO? Yeah, me neither. But the company that once made a name for itself by existing solely to sue people now owes it’s biggest victim, Novell, $2.54 million plus…

Novell, the company that markets SUSE Linux, an enterprise-oriented commercial Linux distro, has a lot at stake in the coming netbook wars. After all, the little machines are overwhelmingly running…

Microsoft, marked with the scarlet letter “A” (for “antitrust”), is still paying for yesterday’s sins. Today, the Supreme Court ruled that a private antitrust suit brought on by Novell against…

Lenovo will release laptops that have Linux instead of Windows later this year. I know, I know, this means the end of Microsoft as we know it… hellfire, dark clouds……