
D-Wave, the Canadian quantum computing company, today announced that it is giving anyone who is working on responses to the COVID-19 free access to its Leap 2 quantum computing cloud…

D-Wave gives anyone working on responses to the COVID-19 free cloud access to its quantum computers

Featured Article

Gender & compensation at VC-backed startups – Where are we today?

Compensation is the most intimate way a company can interact with its employees. For far too long, compensation managers and committees have operated behind closed doors, keeping pay guidelines…

12:09 pm PDT • June 26, 2019
Gender & compensation at VC-backed startups – Where are we today?

Photokina is underway in London and the theme of the show is “large.” Unusually for an industry that is trending towards the compact, the cameras on stage at this show…

Big cameras and big rivalries take center stage at Photokina

A new company named Sigma, founded by alumni of mobile app search engine Quixey, aims to take records and certifications currently trapped in the analog world and bring them online. To do so,…

Quixey alums launch Sigma, a platform to bring merits and certifications online

Sigma has a new zoom lens that could be the perfect walk around lens for street photographer: A 24-35mm zoom lens designed for full-frame cameras, with a unique feature that’s…

Sigma’s Newest Full-Frame Wide Zoom Lens Has A Constant F2 Aperture

It can be hard for third-party, high-end camera-accessory makers to distinguish themselves and attract consumer attention. Canon and Nikon make lenses for their own camera systems that tend to work…

A Lens For The Love Of Photography

We heard about the SD1 back in September: a Foveon-based DSLR with 45 megapixels, as they define them, though the “megapixel” rating is difficult to compare when you have different…

Now, I’ll be the first to admit that the Foveon sensor has its advantages, but I’m not sure the fact that your sensor has three layers means you get to…


Sigma's SD15 DSLR gets spec'd

6:34 pm PST • February 23, 2010

Sigma seems to be releasing cameras the way Google releases software: put out something that’s blatantly incomplete and then revise it until it’s competitive (or more than competitive) with the…

It’s the supreme madness of the PMA 2010 season, and although we can’t make it there personally this year, that won’t stop all them camera companies from releasing stuff. You…

Pop quiz, hot shot: you release a product to tepid critical response. Despite having a good concept behind it, it’s slow, limited, and performs badly in low light. After a…

We’ve been aware of the DP2 for some time, and although its predecessor was coolly received, I’m excited about this one. Everyone agreed that the DP1 was a technical accomplishment,…


Sigma buys out sensor maker Foveon

4:40 pm PST • November 11, 2008

Sigma has been using Foveon sensors in its cameras for a couple years now, although some questioned the efficacy of said sensor in their ambitious but disappointing DP1. (Good explanation…

Sigma Japan today unveiled the Sigma DP2 [JP], the successor model to the DP1, which was released earlier this year and received lukewarm reviews. As of now, there is no…

One month and change after DP Review gave the Sigma DP1 a so-so review, David Pogue now offers his two cents. Like DP Review, Pogue likes the SLR-in-a-point-and-shoot’s body, but…

DPReview has one of their signature extremely long and in-depth reviews that I love up for the Sigma DP1. I remember hearing about this thing some time ago, but apparently…


Sigma SD14 Sneak Peek

7:26 am PDT • August 29, 2006

Sigma is a well-known high-end camerawell-known third party lens company and they appear to be teasing us with a pre-Photokina website tells little about the product but definitely generates a…