Here’s everything Apple just announced at the 2019 WWDC Keynote

Apple kicked off its annual Worldwide Developer Conference in San Jose this morning with a two-and-a-half hour keynote, showing off everything the company has been working on for the past many months.

Want to know everything they announced, but don’t have time to watch the whole thing yourself? We’ve wrapped it all up for you in an easily skimmable package.

Console controllers for AppleTV:

AppleTV will soon be compatible with Xbox One and Playstation Dualshock controllers, allowing them to be used alongside Apple’s upcoming subscription gaming service, Apple Arcade.

Multi-user support for AppleTV:

Tired of seeing recommendations based on what everyone else in your house is watching? You can now have different profiles for each member of the family on AppleTV. Switch between profiles, and viewing recommendations will change accordingly.

Apple Watch Updates:

WatchOS is getting a bevy of enhancements, many of which are meant to make the Apple Watch more useful without having to pull out your iPhone.

iOS 13:

As it does around this time each year, iOS is getting a big upgrade. The developer beta build goes live today; the public beta build will ship in July, and it’ll ship to everyone in “Fall”.


AirPod/HomePod/CarPlay Updates:



The operating system that powers the iPad is now known as “iPadOS”, a standalone fork off of iOS.

New Mac Pro:

Looks like Apple is done with the cylinder-style (or, as it’s sometimes, erm, lovingly referred to, “trash can”) Mac Pro, with the company returning to the classic tower look. It’ll ship sometime this Fall.

Here’s some of what they mentioned:

Pro Display XDR:

The oh-so-pricy Mac Pro is getting an equally pricy new Pro Display.

MacOS Catalina:

After macOS Sierra, High Sierra, and Mojave comes… macOS Catalina.

New stuff just for developers:

As you might expect from a Worldwide Developer Conference, Apple also announced some new stuff for the developers in the audience. Things like:


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