A Collection Of Moments From #TwitterFlight

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Twitter’s developer conference, called “Twitter Flight” took place today in San Francisco. Newly crowned CEO Jack Dorsey discussed Twitter’s commitment to the developer community and then the company launched over twenty-one new things in 2 hours. Or a shade over.

It was a more diverse group of folks than I’ve seen at most tech conferences who both attended and took the stage, I felt. I saw tweets from others in attendance who felt the same way. The place seemed packed and I’m sure there were a lot more people watching the live stream…hopefully Twitter will share those numbers with us (we’ve asked and will update if we hear back.)

One of the more interesting things shared at the conference was the fact that Twitter “reaches over a billion people.” Mind you, that’s not user totals, that’s unique people who have consumed tweets all over apps and the web.

Some newsy highlights:

Twitter says it’s dedicated to being transparent with its developer community, and I chatted with a few of them about what happened today. Some of the feedback was that the keynote was too long, and others are skeptical on whether Twitter will follow through on its promises. Regardless, they are taking Dorsey and crew up on their offer to share their wants and needs with the hashtag #HelloWorld.

Dorsey even mentioned that there’s a place for services like Politwoops, which Twitter shut down this year.

One more thing. Geeks were out in full force on Back To The Future Day, that’s for sure. Hell, Twitter even rolled out a DeLorean decked out like the movie car at 4:29PM (I snuck a look beforehand). I mean, the event was on 10/21/15, so what do you expect. The company can’t go back to a time before developers were skeptical, but they sure can try to listen now…and act.

Here are some of the standout moments from Twitter Flight:

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