
Many of the world’s problems are indeed incredibly complex. But they are not unsolvable.

Systems thinking can help end practices that harm women worldwide

Twitter has taken a pair of shears to its user rules, shaving almost 2,000 words off of its T&Cs — with the stated aim of making it clearer for users…

Twitter’s updated T&Cs look clearer — yet it still can’t say no to Nazis

Facebook released new figures about its attempts to stop the spread of videos after a shooter livestreamed his attacks on two Christchurch, New Zealand mosques last Friday, killing 50 people.…

Facebook says the original New Zealand shooter video was viewed about 4,000 times before removal

Y Combinator partnered with Callisto, a sexual misconduct reporting software built for victims, to survey its roster of female founders.

Y Combinator survey confirms what we already know — female founders are too often victims of sexual harassment

The online gaming community is responding to the mass-shooting that occurred at a Madden 19 competition in Jacksonville, Florida, as reports identify the shooter involved in the attack and his…

Gaming community responds to Florida mass shooting

Twitter has now followed Apple’s lead in changing its pistol emoji to a harmless, bright green water gun. And in doing so, the company that has struggled to handle the…

Twitter replaces its gun emoji with a water gun

Facebook bans monetization of hate, porn, drugs and violence on its platform, some shake-ups happen at Baidu and WhatsApp, and North Korea is allegedly targeting bitcoin exchanges. All this on…

The Guardian has published details of Facebook’s content moderation guidelines covering controversial issues such as violence, hate speech and self-harm culled from more than 100 internal training manuals, spreadsheets and…

Facebook’s content moderation rules dubbed ‘alarming’ by child safety charity

In the wake of a mass shooting or terrorist attack the question of video game violence is raised. Games are often portrayed as little more than drug-addiction meets murder-simulator, and…

All Games Are (In A Sense) Violent

How many of you have played “violent video games” since you were a wee pup? I certainly have, and you don’t see me stealing cars or robbing banks, do you?…

There was another “are violent video games evil?” debate yesterday, this time on BBC Radio in the UK. (We sure do cover a lot of UK-centric news here, don’t we?)…


Fallout Holocaust: Experiments in ultra-violence

9:20 pm PDT • September 22, 2009

Sandbox games are nothing new, but in general, most players try to play the game in the way the designers intended: be good, complete quests, and reach the eventual end…

Bad news for German gamers. (As I understand it, we’re huge in Baden-Baden.) A bill is about to be introduced to parliament, after having been rubber-stamped by all sixteen of…

Have any of you guys been following this anti-video game/movie bill that’s currently bouncing around Utah’s legislature? It’s gotten attention for a few reasons, one of which is because the…

The notoriously liberal, as if that’s a bad thing in and of itself, Ninth US Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that that California law restricting the sale of so-called…

House of the Dead: Overkill comes out for the Wii next month, and it promises to be a violent, superfun adventure for all of five minutes. (Kidding!) That said, the…

WWE Superstar Randy Orton wants to see more violence in video games, arguing that movie violence is far more detrimental to young kids than something like Grand Theft Auto. Yup,…

Oh dear, it seems certain Members of Parliament in the UK are completely outraged that The Dark Knight has only been rated 12A. Apparently the gentlemen think the movie is…

Details are scarce right now, but New York’s Governor David Patterson just signed a bill into law that could lead to restrictions in video game violence. Good to see that…

Don’t be alarmed, but video game and movie downloads will soon carry age ratings in the UK. The Cousins, worried that such downloads are completely unregulated and unlabeled, will apply…

Do you own a man-stopping Taser? According to today’s New York Times magazine—where’d I put my elitist latte and copy of Harper’s Bazaar?—more and more consumers are buying Tasers, especially…


Who says GTA causes violence?

3:08 pm PDT • May 9, 2008

An 18-year-old kid in the UK was walking home after purchasing a copy of GTA IV when he was mugged and beaten by two ruffians who stole his game and…

Welcome to the Unreasonable Stance, where our own John Biggs takes the minority opinion on a tech matter and defends it with convenient data, spun numbers, fanboyism, and insults until…

Did violence, poetically, kill the female gamer? The co-founder of Atari and co-creator of small-time game Pong, Nolan Bushnell, says as much. Violence, along with gaming’s shift from short, fun…

Massachusetts HB 1423 is a bill to ban the sale of video games to minors outright. That’s right: under 18, you can’t buy games. Sure, you can watch Skinemax and…

[photopress:calmdownuk.jpg,full,right] A little present showed up in my iTunes Podcast section a few minutes ago. The Game Theory podcast interviewed Dr. Tanya Byron, who’s recommendation to restrict the sale of…

[photopress:healthwarningvgs.jpg,full,center] As we all know, violent video games like “Grand Theft Auto IV” turns children into trained, merciless killers like the guy from “No Country for Old Men.” It’s such…

[photopress:manhunt2aok.jpg,full,center] Manhunt 2 has finally been approved for sale in the UK. Normally I wouldn’t care, but we’ve been following this story since the summer, so this is more cathartic…

[photopress:mrated.jpg,full,center] Are M-rated games on the way out? That’s what Next-Generation asked and it turns out—sorta—that yes, less M-rated games are being released. The publication took numbers from the ESRB…

[photopress:japanesecat3603.jpg,full,center] This cute photo is to counteract the horror of the story below. You’re playing your Xbox 360, you’re really into your game, and your 17-month old daughter accidentally knocks…