
MySpace is preparing to roll out its long-awaited redesign, perhaps as early as tomorrow, at least for new users. It’s not going to be pretty. Well, actually, it is quite…

The MySpace Redesign Is Almost Here—Some Details

A few days ago the Wall Street Journal published a series of articles about a supposed Facebook privacy breach. We and others noted that the article was complete rubbish. We…

Wall Street Journal Investigation Into MySpace Was Quietly Killed

The new MySpace logo or the new Gap logo, which do people hate more? It seems to close to call at this point. But after days of sitting back and…

MySpace Unveils New, Artsy Logo

3:36 pm PDT • October 8, 2010

If you’ve been following the news lately, you’ve probably realized that logo redesigns are a kind of a big deal. Today at the Warm Gun Design conference in San Francisco,…

MySpace Unveils New, Artsy Logo

Whatever MySpace has up its sleeve for its upcoming mid-October relaunch apparently isn’t enough to keep all the remaining execs at the company. Vice President of Communications Tracy Akselrud has…

It’s no secret that embattled MySpace is working on a complete redesign of its site in hopes of reversing the staggering loss of users and traffic over the last couple…

One good thing to come out of MySpace’s slow demise: a bunch of former employees are creating startups left and right, mostly in Los Angeles and helping to grow the…

MySpace is adding a new feature today that allows users to embed video streams within their activity streams. Powered by Redux, videos are seen directly within an activity stream and…

It seems as if the ads for Sony’s upcoming movie The Social Network — you know, the Facebook movie — are everywhere on the Internet. They’re here on TechCrunch, they’re…

Social networks worldwide are estimated to bring in $3.3 billion in advertising dollars this year, according to updated estimates by eMarketer. That number represents a 31 percent increase from 2009’s…

According to the latest research from eMarketer, advertisers will spend $1.28 billion worldwide to reach Facebook’s 500 million users compared to $665 million in ad revenue in 2009. US ad…

Fortune’s Daniel Roth asked News Corp. Digital Chief Jon Miller about MySpace at the Fortune Brainstorm conference in Aspen. Miller joked “well it’s still around” and went on to say…

Survey: Facebook Lovers Hate Facebook

11:29 pm PDT • July 20, 2010

A survey that went out this morning called the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI), garnered a lot of attention around the blogosphere. While this survey is nothing new, this year,…

A new study by ForeSee Results and the American Customer Satisfaction Index finds that U.S. consumers regard social media sites Facebook and Myspace as lowly as they regard cable providers,…

The number of visitors to MySpace UK has halved in the last six months, TechCrunch Europe has learned, leading to a fresh round of layoffs at the London office of…

The number of visitors to MySpace UK has halved in the last six months, TechCrunch Europe has learned, leading to a fresh round of layoffs at the London office of…

I’m sort of scratching my head at the Wall Street Journal’s article (mostly behind a paywall) that MySpace is in negotiations over some kind of new search advertising deal. “News…

Wall Street Journal Throws A Softball To MySpace, the well-known indie music store, discovery & review service and online community, will be discontinued as of July 15th, 2010, more than 10 years after it first saw the…

Less than a month ago I asked the MySpace Co-Presidents, Mike Jones and Jason Hirschhorn (pictured left), if it was possible to effectively run a company with two equal leaders.…

San Mateo, CA-based BrightEdge is today taking the wraps of its enterprise-class, on-demand SEO platform, after hammering on it for the past couple of years along with some early adopting…

Hitwise, the web analytics firm, has a report out today that claims that social networks now receive more UK Internet visits than search engines. Which, if the case, would imply…

In-stream advertising network, which launched last year, is moving beyond just advertising on Twitter today. The startup just announced a deal with MySpace to allow the social network’s members…

A report in the Wall Street Journal this evening reveals that Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and a number of other popular social sites are passing along data that advertisers could potentially…

Last week, as the outrage grew over the privacy implications of Facebook’s new ambitions to spread its tentacles deeper into the Web, Michael offered some advice to MySpace. This is…

Another day, another MySpace executive resignation. Dani Dudeck, Vice President of Global Communications, has resigned from MySpace, says a source, and will shortly become the top communications executive at Zynga.…

Last August, MySpace acquired social music service iLike. As part of the deal iLike founders (and twin brothers) Ali Partovi and Hadi Partovi joined MySpace’s executive team, with Hadi becoming…

I fully understand that Facebook must be an extremely hard site to design. I mean, it has 400 million users, many of whom use it several times a day. If…

Slingshot Labs, a research and development arm for News Corp.’s digital properties, has lost its two top execs. President Josh Berman and EVP Strategy and Product Diego Berkadin gave News…

MySpace Gets Serious About Events

9:44 pm PDT • April 14, 2010

Here’s a ray of product sunshine in an otherwise overcast MySpace world. Tonight they are launching a new MySpace events and calendar platform that integrates technology from MySpace Music, iLike,…

The new rule around here is that if someone interesting comes through our office, we do a video interview. There are no exceptions, and your only real choice is to…