The Latest

Just in time for the weekend, it’s time for another episode of TechCrunch TV’s OMG/JK. Even better, this is a special episode, because we spend the show talking about two…

Oh, Nic Brisbourne. Unlike most VCs who come on Ask a VC who are used to my rude, outspoken American ways, Brisbourne is British and therefore incredibly polite. As this…

So you call a company with a problem, right? After navigating a series of voice prompts, you eventually get to a live person. You think, alright, great someone can help…

Location-based services are currently in a race to lock up the biggest brands and retailers they can. Earlier this month Facebook ran a major promotion with the Gap; Chipotle is…

In the event that you don’t have time to watch the full hour recap of John’s “research study” into the potentially unnecessary banning of a ridiculously unnecessary beverage, I have…

We all have microwaves, and we all use them from time to time, and we all are baffled now and again by how one spot on the nachos can be…

Hitwise has released another staggering data point in favor of Facebook’s domination today. According to Hitwise’s data, 1 in 4 page views in the US took place on as…

Doom has been (unofficially) available for Android for at least a year now — but why stop there? In the just-because-we-can spirit of hacking Doom onto anything within reach, someone…

I humbly ask that you watch this video. There’s a small problem: it’s split up into six parts, and is 30 minutes in length in total. But it’s great, so…

Sometime in the last week or so, we’ve heard from multiple sources, Accel Partners has sold very significant chunks of Facebook stock. So significant, in fact, that their ownership percentage…

Accel Sold Big Chunk Of Facebook Stock At $35 Billion Valuation

Where we’ll be next

Just in time for the weekend, it’s time for another episode of TechCrunch TV’s OMG/JK. Even better, this is a special episode, because we spend the show talking about two…

Oh, Nic Brisbourne. Unlike most VCs who come on Ask a VC who are used to my rude, outspoken American ways, Brisbourne is British and therefore incredibly polite. As this…

So you call a company with a problem, right? After navigating a series of voice prompts, you eventually get to a live person. You think, alright, great someone can help…

Location-based services are currently in a race to lock up the biggest brands and retailers they can. Earlier this month Facebook ran a major promotion with the Gap; Chipotle is…

In the event that you don’t have time to watch the full hour recap of John’s “research study” into the potentially unnecessary banning of a ridiculously unnecessary beverage, I have…

We all have microwaves, and we all use them from time to time, and we all are baffled now and again by how one spot on the nachos can be…

Hitwise has released another staggering data point in favor of Facebook’s domination today. According to Hitwise’s data, 1 in 4 page views in the US took place on as…

Doom has been (unofficially) available for Android for at least a year now — but why stop there? In the just-because-we-can spirit of hacking Doom onto anything within reach, someone…

I humbly ask that you watch this video. There’s a small problem: it’s split up into six parts, and is 30 minutes in length in total. But it’s great, so…

Sometime in the last week or so, we’ve heard from multiple sources, Accel Partners has sold very significant chunks of Facebook stock. So significant, in fact, that their ownership percentage…

Accel Sold Big Chunk Of Facebook Stock At $35 Billion Valuation