amazon key

For all the myriad ways Amazon has made shopping more convenient, the last-mile delivery can be an issue. The company’s Key service is an attempt to address those issues, offering…

Amazon’s in-garage delivery is now available in 4,000 US cities

Starting today, Amazon can drop off packages to your garage. Assuming, of course, you’re cool with that. The massively multiplayer online retailer just expanded its Key delivery options to include…

Amazon opens Key delivery to garages

Alexa may be front and center for Amazon’s play this CES, but the just unloaded a whole bunch of news about Amazon Key. The list includes a name change to…

Key By Amazon adds garage and business delivery, new locks and Ring compatibility

Last week, I was sitting in the office, waiting for an Amazon package to be delivered to my house. Typically, the driver would just leave the package at the door,…

You can now give Amazon the keys to your car

Building technology is all about learning as you go. Amazon knows this, and has today added fingerprint ID to the new Amazon Key app, which enables in-home delivery of goods.…

Amazon adds fingerprint authentication to Key app for Android