Beacon’s latest demo day startups are a bet that the future might be multichain

Cohort S23 consists of 10 companies, built by 25 founders across three countries and 12 cities. Unlike Y Combinator, Beacon doesn’t only select companies that are the most nascent.

Plaid unveils new collaboration network aimed at giving fintechs a way to share fraud intelligence

Fintech startup Plaid got its start as a company that connects consumer bank accounts to financial applications, but has since been gradually expanding its offerings.

Skidattl’s augmented reality beacons are ‘like a Bat-Signal for fun’

Skidattl wants to use augmented reality to get people to engage with the real world. It’s a story we’ve heard before from AR companies, particularly as they pit themselves against the pote

MDaaS raises $3M to improve healthcare access and expand network across Nigeria

MDaaS Global, a Nigerian health tech company that operates a network of tech-enabled diagnostic centers across the country, has secured $3 million in pre-Series A funding. The round was led by Aruwa C

Web3-focused Beacon launches flagship demo day with 13 crypto startups

We’re only in the second week of 2023, but demo days have already begun as founders try to keep momentum alive in the ever-changing crypto market. Beacon, a web3-focused early-stage accelerator prog

TechCrunch+ Roundup: Creator economy VC survey, B2C fintech growth strategy, web3 demo day

There are a million reasons why startups fail, and there are only a few reasons why they succeed.

Aurora unveils fleet management platform to optimize autonomous operations

Autonomous vehicle technology company Aurora Innovation has unveiled a fleet management platform that can be used to help optimize operations for the startup’s trucking and ride-hailing products. Au

Register for today’s TechCrunch Live’s event on Atlanta right here!

TechCrunch Live is excited to host a special, extended episode focused on the great city of Atlanta, Georgia. The show kicks off today at 2:30pm EDT, and concludes at 4:30pm EDT following a pitch-off

These 32 robotics companies are hiring

There’s no such thing as a future-proof career. This is something I consider nearly any time I write about advances in generative AI. Is there a sense in which I’m contributing to the propagation

Former web3 gaming founders raise $2.5M for their NFT marketplace to retain users even when there ‘isn’t money to be made’

Even though NFT sales volume is still down 88% from 2022 all-time highs (and down 38% year-to-date), Pallet Exchange is building a new type of NFT marketplace focused on user retention. And it’s doi

a16z-backed Apex Space’s first satellite ‘healthy’ on orbit

Apex Space just moved one step closer to its goal of upending satellite bus manufacturing, with the startup announcing on Tuesday that its first vehicle is healthy on orbit. The company launched its f

SignalFire’s State of Talent report 2023

Tech has seen nonstop layoffs that hit 166,044 workers in Q1 2023 alone. That’s more than all of 2022’s then-record 161,411 tech layoffs.

Nufa lets you live up to unrealistic beauty standards at the tap of an app

It isn’t like Instagram is a beacon of truth as it is, but things are about to get a lot worse, as Nufa takes any image and sculpts you into the “after” picture dream that every gym

Cerulean empowers ocean pollution watchdogs with orbital observation

The vastness of the ocean allows polluters to evade detection in all but the most egregious violations. SkyTruth aims to change that with Cerulean, an orbital monitoring platform for coastal waters th

US government downgrades bug in Chirp Systems app that contained hardcoded password

CISA said Chirp Systems ignored the federal agency and the reporting security researcher.

Microsoft to sunset Soundscape 3D audio app and open source the code

Microsoft is sunsetting an experimental research project that uses audio-based technology to help visually impaired people navigate and gain a stronger awareness of their surroundings. However, the co

Law firm that handles data breaches was hit by data breach

An international law firm that works with companies affected by security incidents has experienced its own cyberattack that exposed the sensitive health information of hundreds of thousands of data br

How come founders don’t give a crap about sustainability?

If you care about equity, sustainability, parental leave — pick your poison — you have a chance to make a difference.

Orlando has all the ingredients to be the next big startup hub

TechCrunch conducted a vibe check to see what’s happening right now in Orlando’s burgeoning venture scene, as well as what needs to occur for it to continue thriving.

Apple: Pay attention to emerging markets, not falling China sales

Apple’s chief financial officer Luca Maestri challenged investor worries over an 8% drop in China revenue by noting that sales in other emerging markets are growing. “When we start looking
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