Blog Fight Rules Of Engagement

Blog fights happen. Sometimes for attention, but most of the time because someone is really pissed off about something. And don’t count out big media, they jump right in too when they feel it.

No one’s ever written down any rules for blog fights that I know of. But there are some unspoken rules and guidelines.

Here are a few core strategies:

That’s not it though. There are also unspoken rules of engagement. An ethical guide to a clean blog fight, if you will.

Last week I threw a few punches at Engadget, our sister site at AOL. They’ve been on our ass for a couple of years now. They have a major attribution problem, for example, and tend to just steal stories. They also get extremely petty, as evidenced by how they covered the CrunchPad story. More recently Engadget editor in chief Joshua Topolsky tried to kill our acquisition by AOL. And for some strange reason Engadget writers and editors tend to troll our comments pointlessly.

All of these things are facts. It’s a big pile of petty. I was going to let this all go, but now the NY Times says they’re going to write a story about the fight and want my comments.

After our acquisition by AOL I tried to bury the hatchet with them. I put on my big boy pants and I went out of my way to link to them, retweet them and generally say the past is the past. I suggested we work together on an internal call. We even invited them to participate in the Crunchies. Dead silence on their end, and the trolling continued.

So I took my shot. And then they fired back.

Not directly, though. They spoke off record to another blog. They denied ever doing anything to poke at us. They released parts of private emails out of context. Worst of all they brought “civilians” (non bloggers) into the fight. Etc.

In other words, Engadget is really good at being passive aggressive, but they really suck at a good clean blog fight. So here are some suggestions for the next time they find themselves in the middle of some mess they started. Basically this comes down to fighting your own battles, not using human shields, and generally making sure to play by some basic ethical rules so that when the fight is over, you can move on.

To sum up this section – if someone starts a knife fight with you, then walk away or pull out a knife and fight. Don’t just hire someone else to show up with a gun and call it a win. Truth matters. How you fight matters. Whether you win or lose is far less important.

That’s all I’m going to say about this particular fight for now. Hope this helped people understand how we approach these things, and what kind of behavior we expect from the other side.

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