twitter edit button

Twitter has increased the time limit to edit tweets from 30 minutes to one hour for Blue subscribers. This gives people a bigger window to change their tweets and correct…

Twitter increases window to edit tweets to one hour for Blue subscribers

Just a few days after Twitter said its new “Edit” button would launch to its paying subscribers in select markets, the company today announced the feature would begin to roll…

Twitter’s edit button will reach all US subscribers by end of today

I’ve long been super against edited tweets, mostly for technical reasons. The core issue is that Twitter isn’t like other social media sites; unlike, say Instagram and Facebook posts, embedded…

Edited tweets is still a minefield, but Twitter’s solution just might work

Twitter is rolling out the ability to edit tweets to Twitter Blue subscribers in Canada, Australia and New Zealand, the social network announced on Monday. The company says the edit…

Twitter’s edit button is rolling out to Blue subscribers in Canada, Australia and New Zealand

Twitter announced a much-anticipated feature last week — the ability to edit tweets. The company said that once the feature is available users will be able to edit their tweets…

Twitter will let you edit your tweet up to five times

While Twitter hasn’t officially released its much-anticipated edit tweet feature yet, one lingering question has been how they would look as embeds on other sites. Would they dynamically change when…

This is how edited tweets might look when embedded elsewhere