
I’m in Erick’s camp. While delighted to receive the occasional YouTube video in my inbox from friends, I largely sit things out when it comes to personal broadcasting services like… Nik Cubrilovic gives Seesmic a little user interface advice in this interactive video hosted at…Seesmic. Very funny if you use both Seesmic and Twitter. The other 95% of you…

Celebrities are starting to take notice of Seesmic, a “Twitter for video” service that lets people have asynchronous video conversations on the fly (see my disclosure, I am an investor).…


Seesmic comments on CrunchGear

4:23 pm PDT • April 23, 2008

Following the footsteps of our overlord and master, we’ve added Seesmic video comments to CrucnhGear. Hopefully this won’t tear the proverbial hind-end out of our site and will be a…

Note: Unless you are a Twitter and/or FriendFeed addict, this post isn’t for you. Twitter/FriendFeed desktop client Alert Thingy just released version 1.3 of the software. It is now a…

We’ve been testing a new comments feature on the TechCrunch blogs over the last few days – video comments, powered by Seesmic (a company I invested in). The feature is…

A lot of people are addicted to Twitter (microblogging), and a lot of people are addicted to FriendFeed (friends’ activity streams). While both are web services, each offers an API…

San Francisco video/chat startup Seesmic has acquired Twhirl, a popular application created by German developer Marco Kaiser that allows users to access the Twitter service directly from their desktop, and…

My friend Loic Le Meur wants to convince startups to avoid the lure of focusing only on local markets. He asked to write the guest post below, which I think…

Seesmic founder Loic Le Meur wrote a long blog post about his $6 million Series A round of funding today (I am an investor in this company). Most of the…

People who don’t follow Loren Feldman are usually surprised when he takes aim at their startup and lets loose. He combines valid points with a highly confrontational approach (he once…

The Financial Times has a profile of French (now Silicon Valley) entrepreneur Loic Le Meur today. Loic is an accomplished entrepreneur – he founded uBlog (merged with Six Apart), organizes…

100 Seesmic Accounts, And A Disclosure

6:09 pm PST • November 20, 2007

One of the hardest to get beta accounts right now is Seesmic, Loic Le Meur’s new startup that went into private beta in early October. The service, which can most…

The rumors were correct. Loic Le Meur, a well known European entrepreneur that recently relocated to San Francisco, will unveil his new video startup, Seesmic, this morning into a closed…

Loic Le Meur (on left in picture, along with me, Tariq Krim and Rodrigo Sepulveda), the well known French entrepreneur and blogger, is moving from Paris to silicon valley this…