
The crypto scene continues to remain so hot that bitcoin is hitting one new high after another. It surpassed $72,700 on Monday. This was initially driven by the approval of…

Bitcoin hits new all-time high of $72,700 but one index warns we’re in ‘extreme greed’ territory

Configure, price and quote software, also known as CPQ software, is designed to help sellers quote complex and configurable products, like heavy trucks with different types of chassis and engines.…

DealHub secures $60M for sales tools to configure, price and quote

Lucid’s first electric vehicle doesn’t cost what you think it does – the company revealed basic pricing information for the Air on its blog, basically just to mute speculation that its…

The Lucid Air electric car starts at just $60,000 – before tax credit

Chelsea Manning is going to be freed this May, Zoom video conferencing raises $100 million, Vine is shutting down — today is the last day to grab your videos, Google…

Smart shopping service, which started off with a focus on consumer electronics before its recent addition of home appliances, is a unique player in the comparison shopping market. The… Brings Its Price Comparisons To iPad; Reveals Plans To Expand To Household Goods & Cars, the shopping search site for consumer electronics and home appliances founded by former Farecast engineers, is now putting its money where its mouth is, so to speak. The service,… Launches Daily Deals; Offers Price Guarantees On Select CE, Home Appliance Purchases

Why Are Watches So Expensive?

7:46 am PDT • October 13, 2010

There is no denying that most people consider watches to be pretty expensive. Luxury watches often cost as much, or more than cars. For people not intimately aware of how…

Leica is firing back over the criticism they’ve received lately about the price of their new flagship digital SLR, the S2. Internet pundits have rather, shall we say, catty about…

Good Heavens. Billboard must have broken out its abacus as it was calculating this little number: songs on the iTunes Store that saw their price jump from $0.99 to $1.29…

People now view cellphones as a commodity, like coffee or sugar, and now buy them largely based on price concerns. That, and one-third of people no longer use a landline…

[photopress:hagglebbcc.jpg,full,center] The economy isn’t doing so hot and Manchester United seems to be marching toward its second consecutive title. We’re all doomed, in other words. But hey, did you know…


Acer expected to beat Asus Eee pricing

10:00 am PDT • March 24, 2008

Let’s all think back to our Econ classes to the section on economies of scale, especially as the theory pertains to purchasing production materials in bulk. That’s what Acer’s able…

[photopress:xblitun.jpg,full,center] Both Microsoft and Apple want to be your go-to home entertainment brand. But, right now, Apple is charging a little less for the privilege. Let’s say you want to…

[photopress:appledropsuk.jpg,full,center] The UK’s greatest music export Facing a lawsuit, Apple said today it will lower prices of UK iTunes downloads, bringing them in line with prices found on the Continent.…

[photopress:apNERL07_PANASONIC_HD_00OLA.jpg,full,center] AP image It’s Day Two of the Consumer Electronics Show—time to start analyzing, looking for trends, seeing what’s hot and what’s not. Right now, we’ll focus on HDTVs. In…


Apple lowers iTunes Plus price

9:30 am PDT • October 17, 2007

Get your music off iTunes but often opt for the DRM-laden versions due to the cheaper price of $.99? Worry no more, friend. Apple has officially lowered the price of…

The ideal price for a video game console is $199, says Microsoft, and Wall Street analysts believe the company will slash the price of the Xbox 360 this holiday season…

else. The Series 3 units aren’t selling well, as far as we know, and now the service is getting more expensive. They’re raising their prices from about $12.95 a month…