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Google and today announced the next evolution of the Istio service mesh. Dubbed the “Ambient Mesh,” this new framework does away with Istio’s sidecar-centric architecture and replaces it with…

Google and bring Ambient Mesh to Istio

It’s been almost exactly four years since Docker founder Solomon Hykes left the company that kickstarted the container revolution. Docker has gone through its share of ups and downs since…

Docker founder launches Dagger, a new DevOps platform

When you think about service meshes, a somewhat esoteric cloud-native tool designed to stitch different microservices together, you might not think it’s the most lucrative side of the Kubernetes-led cloud-native… reaches $1B valuation with $135M Series C investment, a Cambridge, Massachusetts service mesh startup, announced some big changes to its approach today with a full-stack platform of services aimed squarely at the enterprise. The culmination of this… announces service mesh platform aimed at enterprise customers

As containers and microservices have proliferated, a new kind of tool called the service mesh has developed to help manage and understand interactions between services. While Kubernetes has emerged as… wants to bring order to service meshes with centralized management hub