Not much info to give, but we (and just about every other Web site in existence) just got notice from Rockstar that a new DLC for Grand Theft Auto IV…

Stuck at work and unable to play The Lost and Damned? Well, Xbox 360 owners, this may tide you over until you get home. NSFW, so plug in your headphones/ear…

Just a reminder, sports fans, that Rockstar has released Grand Theft Auto: The Lost and Damned DLC for the Xbox 360. It’s available on Xbox Live right now, so if…


Free Xbox LIVE for GTA IV and expansion

10:10 pm PST • February 10, 2009

Soon you will be able to play GTA IV or its The Lost and the Damned expansion on Xbox LIVE for free. Specifically from Tuesday, February 17 at 9:00AM PST…

What a day. First Barnes & Noble is a jerk to me, then I get the red ring of death. Oh, and Sirius XM may be going under. Isn’t everything…

Rockstar just opened up its sitefor the upcoming Grand Theft Auto IV DLC, The Lost and Damned. There’s two new video for you to check out, one of which I’ve…


Lost and Damned DLC for GTA IV detailed

3:45 pm PST • January 21, 2009

Rockstar Watch is reporting that Rockstar sent out an e-mail detailing the upcoming Lost and Damned DLC for GTA IV that’s due out on February 17th for the Xbox 360.…


Nvidia, AMD release new drivers

7:00 pm PST • December 10, 2008

AMD announced recently that they are releasing the next version of their Catalyst driver, 8.12. It’s currently available for download from their site. The new version of the driver includes…

You know how in trailers of terrible “family” movies there’s always a part where the announcers says, “Here we go again!” in that dumb “enthusiastic announcer guy voice”? Think of…

GTA IV is set for a PC release on December 2 and Steam is currently offering Vice City for anyone who pre-orders before then. What are you waiting for? Pre-order

A round of applause for Eurogamer, which did the thankless task of testing out the NXE‘s HDD Install option and comparing it to normal method of playing games off the…

There’s a nifty, jargon-free interviewover at Variety with Rockstar Games’ Dan Houser. (Let’s just call Houser the czar of the Grand Theft Auto franchise.) In it, which you really ought…

Downloadable content (DLC) for the Xbox 360 version of Grand Theft Auto IV should be available this November. Eurogamer, in true Woodward and Bernstein style, claim to have a source…


Rumor: GTA IV DLC coming in Q1 of 2009

2:52 pm PDT • August 28, 2008

Flickr’d VG247 seems to have the inside scoop that Rockstar will release DLC for GTA IV sometime in January or February. There are mixed signals as to when the content…


Take-Two (finally) makes EA do a re-do

7:05 pm PDT • August 18, 2008

EA has been after Take-Two since late last year. The process went public in February with Take Two letting EA’s offer expire five times. Now, EA has finally given up…

Despite breaking sales records left and right, GTA IV didn’t cause any measurable uptick in console sales. That probably hurts Sony more than Microsoft, seeing as though the GTA series…

Grand Theft Auto IV is still among the top five torrented video games on Blackcats, the premiere, video game-specific, private BitTorrent tracker. With something like 970 seeders (the numbers fluctuate…

Flickr’d EA’s self-imposed deadline vis-à-vis its proposed acquisition of Take-Two expired Friday with nary a peep from either company. EA, fond of money, offered to buy Take-Two, the publisher of… Admit it, some of you did this, too. You just didn’t have the guts to make a video. Some language NSFW, so find your headphones. We get the point, Blendtec. You have a kickass blender that blends just about everything we fawn over these days. Of course your blender is going to obliterate a… Am I playing Grand Theft Auto or playing Grand Theft Normal Boring Life?

We’ve been saying for awhile that violent video games aren’t bad for kids, and now we’ve got research from Harvard to prove it. They spent nearly one and a half… I actually can’t believe there aren’t more glitches in this massive game but Game Trailers finds a few good ones. Wait for the amazing black hole at the end.…

Downloadable content? For my PS3 version of GTA IV? It’s more likely than you think, at least according to Sony Computer Entertainment’s Reeves, who wouldn’t go so far as to…


Who says GTA causes violence?

3:08 pm PDT • May 9, 2008

An 18-year-old kid in the UK was walking home after purchasing a copy of GTA IV when he was mugged and beaten by two ruffians who stole his game and…

Two reasons why this article, “You get points for driving drunk in this game,” merits your attention. One, the author, Phil Villarreal, totally calls out a director of the Parents…

So you know how all those people have been up in arms about the adult content in games like GTA IV? And how they think that the ratings need to…

There was much speculation — especially on the part of this blogger — that the release of GTA IV the same week as Iron Man might hurt the films revenue,…

Soon after GTA IV launched it was rather apparent that all the bugs weren’t squashed for the PS3 and the only solution Rockstar could muster up was to re-install. Sometime…

EA’s current offer for Take-Two is set to expire on May 16 and it’s highly unlikely that EA will up the bid like T2 thinks it should. Yes, GTA IV…