emergency management

Mayors have the toughest job in the world, and leading a city is only getting harder. Even as populations swell in urban cores across the world, climate change is constraining…

Forerunner is software for NFIMBYs, or no flooding in my backyard

BreezoMeter has been on a mission to make environmental health hazard information accessible to as many people as possible. Through its air quality index (AQI) calculations, the Israel-based company can…

BreezoMeter, which powers air quality in Apple’s Weather app, launches Wildfire Tracker

Floods are devastating. They rip asunder communities, wipe out neighborhoods, force the evacuation of thousands of people every year and recovering from them can take years — assuming recovery is…

FloodMapp wants to predict where water goes before it washes away your home

Did you hear it? FEMA just ran its first nationwide test of the U.S. emergency alert system since the pandemic. The Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, tested both the…

FEMA just tested the US national emergency alert system

Featured Article

The human-focused startups of the hellfire

Disasters may not always be man-made, but they are always responded to by humans. There’s a whole panoply of skills and professions required today to respond to even the tiniest emergency, and that doesn’t even include the needs during pre-disaster planning and post-disaster recovery. It’s not a very remunerative industry for most and the mental…

6:15 am PDT • May 9, 2021
The human-focused startups of the hellfire

Featured Article

When the Earth is gone, at least the internet will still be working

The internet is now our nervous system. We are constantly streaming and buying and watching and liking, our brains locked into the global information matrix as one universal and coruscating emanation of thought and emotion. What happens when the machine stops though? It’s a question that E.M. Forster was intensely focused on more than a…

6:15 am PDT • May 8, 2021
When the Earth is gone, at least the internet will still be working

Featured Article

Data was the new oil, until the oil caught fire

We’ve been hearing how “data is the new oil” for more than a decade now, and in certain sectors, it’s a maxim that has more than panned out. From marketing and logistics to finance and product, decision-making is now dominated by data at all levels of most big private orgs (and if it isn’t, I’d…

7:39 am PDT • May 2, 2021
Data was the new oil, until the oil caught fire