Jordan Crook


Jordan Crook was the Deputy Editor of TechCrunch.

Jordan Crook

Despite the fact that Dell failed to appear on Microsoft’s list of manufacturers for Windows Phone Mango devices, the tech giant did make news of its own this morning, with…

A little “I’ll show you mine, if you show me yours” seems to be going down between handset makers Samsung and Apple during their ongoing patent battle, only Apple has…

Bloomberg reports that Google plans to dip its far-reaching toes into the mobile payment space starting May 26 on phones from Sprint, according to statements made by three unnamed people…

In a world where second-gen devices launch mere months after their predecessors, I guess it’s not too much of a surprise that large-scale upgrades are already being implemented to 4G…

Today at Microsoft’s Windows Phone VIP Reception, president of mobile communications Andy Lees and senior Windows Phone product manager Derek Snyder gave us a quick rundown of what to expect…

Just a few days after the BlackBerry PlayBook’s one-month birthday, the nation’s top two carriers are still pretty ambiguous in their adoption of the device. AT&T has yet to approve…

Wandering around here at TechCrunch Disrupt New York, we came across a particularly interesting iPhone 4 add-on from Kogeto, in collaboration with Kickstarter. It’s called Dot, and it will totally…

While there is still some back-and-forth over when the HTC EVO 3D will finally grace us with its presence, an ad from RadioShack has clarified to what scale this highly-anticipated…

We’ve seen a few leaked photos, and heard a couple different rumors when it comes to Motorola’s forthcoming Droid 3 smartphone, but TechnoBuffalo claims to have a tipster reliable enough…

Last week, a leaked photo led us to believe that T-Mobile would be making some adjustments to its current Family Plan lineup. We’ve now learned that that leaked image was…

If you saw them on the street, you’d keep walking. If you saw them in an arcade, your jaw would drop. They’re called superplayers, and they make our idea of…

After a hit-and-run in 2006, Rob Summers lost the use of his hips, legs, feet, and toes. Five years later, Mr. Summers took a step with the help an electrical…

Remember Modu, the Israeli phone maker who never quite found a market for its itty bitty cell phones? That’s ok if you don’t, because the semi-omniscient Google does. Back in…

Things have never been so bleak for the world’s largest handset maker. Fresh off of rumors that Nokia would be selling off its handset division to Microsoft, new numbers from…

Shockingly enough, Apple isn’t down with Amazon’s claim that the term “app store” is generic, and recently denied such a claim during the ongoing tiff between the two application providers.…

Hot on the heels of last week’s announcement of Facebook Inside Xperia, the deepest Facebook integration we’ve seen to date on a mobile device, it’s also looking like the gaming-centric…

NFC payments have already become somewhat of the norm over in Japan, but here in the States, near field communication technology hasn’t quite taken off yet. However, that’s not to…

These days, most “hacks” are more about an attacker’s ability to exploit your download habits, as opposed to exploiting holes in your firewall. In a review of Internet Explorer’s feedback…

In March, HP CEO Leo Apotheker promised a June launch for his company’s forthcoming TouchPad tablet, and since Best Buy has already posted a teaser page, it’s probably safe to…

Many of you, I’m sure, weren’t too pleased to hear yesterday’s news that 99 percent of Android phones are susceptible to impersonation attacks. The bad news: Google has confirmed that…

One of my favorite parts about a trip to the Apple store is when my blue-shirted employee checks me out with his iPod touch-based EasyPay Terminal. It’s quick, requires little…

From the way that OEMs are rushing to get ahead in the slate race, you’d think that tablets were just about as ubiquitous as our beloved smartphones. But according to…

Verizon’s big red flag seems to be transforming into one of revolt, as the carrier has chosen to follow up its recent Net Neutrality suit against the FCC with another…

Apparently, Sprint’s network was down for the count last night, as people from different regions of the country experienced difficulty sending MMS and SMS messages. Some even had trouble getting…

Last quarter, we collectively purchased 18.6 million iPhone 4s. As of right now, there are an estimated 1.5 million to 2 million iPhone 4s left out there, sitting on retailer…

For all Apple’s success across the globe, South Korea is one corner of the world that the tech giant hasn’t quite locked down. Two of Apple’s biggest mobile competitors, LG…

I can’t speak for everyone, but no matter how much I want to become more earth-friendly, it never really happens. It’s always too expensive, or too inconvenient, or too much…

During investment presentations, Intel CEO Paul Otellini admitted that the company’s old strategy for mobile needed a makeover, but was optimistic about their prospects come 2012.

<img src=""June 8 is to June 8 is to T-Mobile as May 26 is to Verizon. Three Android phones, one carrier, all launching on the same day. What was once…

May 26 is shaping up to be a hectic day over at Verizon, as the carrier has seemingly planned a device-launch hat trick for a week from Thursday. The Sony…