In Time For The iPad, Dude-Centric Video Network Break Media Boards The HTML5 Train

It seems like every video-related site or service out there is jumping on the HTML5 bandwagon to ready their video offerings for the iPad. We’ve recently covered announcements from Ooyala, Brightcove, Kyte, Delve Networks and MeFeedia. And broadcast giants NBC, ABC, and CBS are also throwing their hats in the ring to allow their online videos to stream on the device. Another video entertainment company is jumping into the mix- Break Media, a social video and entertainment site for guys, is formatting its editorial and video content for HTML5 video playback to ensure compatibility with the iPad and other devices.

Video content on Break Media’s nine branded properties, which include, MadeMan, Chickipedia, Cage Potato, Holy Taco, Screen Junkies, and All Left Turns, will include the functionality of a Flash-based player but with HTML and JavaScript implementation. And any video ad units running on these sites can be transcoded into H.264 video playback, the standard format for the iPad and other HTML5 devices. Additionally, Break Media advertisers will now also be able to target video advertising specifically to the iPad. Break’s ad network has created customizable ad formats that work with the device.

Break Media recently acquired gaming site FileFront and launched a campaign to upload more UGC to its video platform. The media network also launched a new Twitter-focused web show, called Tweet Boxx.

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