CBS, Amazon Already Sniffing Around GDGT

It’s less than two months old, and GDGT is already getting some high profile attention, and maybe even a few acquisition sniffs.

One of our reliable sources told us today that they had reason to believe both CBS/CNET and Amazon were considering acquiring the company. After some digging, we’ve confirmed that CBS has considered investing in GDGT and that their subsidiary CNET has ongoing partnership discussions, but isn’t considering an acquisition right now. Amazon, though, is more interesting. They’ve been doing quiet background due diligence on GDGT’s founders and developers, we’ve heard, which is an indication that they may be interested in buying.

Amazon has experimented with pure content sites the last few years, launching a bunch of blogs and even buying UK-based DPReview, a camera review blog, in 2007. Content, particularly reviews, are great for SEO and cross promotion. And to Amazon’s credit, they haven’t defiled DPReview much at all.

…and GDGT is certainly off to an amazing start. They had a massive 4.7 million pageview traffic day back in June, before they launched the main site. Compete shows a nice spike in U.S. visitors, without the usual post launch sag (yet).

GDGT was founded by former Engadget editors-in-chief Peter Rojas and Ryan Block. Last summer we broke the news about the new venture.

The company has raised around half a million dollars in an angel round led by True Ventures and Betaworks, plus a number of angel investors.

GDGT declined to comment on this story.

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