
Braid to (finally) hit PCs in '09

8:40 pm PST • December 22, 2008

Braid got a lot of press this year as the killer LIVE Marketplace game and the creator banking on its success. However, PC gamers have so far been left out…

Are you one of the 47 zillion people who own a Wii? Do you have $50? Do you want a new car? Do you want a Wii remote control charging…

Last week I mentioned this Golden Tee Golf CrunchDeal and said that I’d even buy it for myself. Well you may have thought, “That Doug, he’s all talk — sitting…

HP has a quick and dirty little iPhone (and iPod touch) application that may interest you. It’s free, too!

Circuit City has had a rough year. We know that, but the bankrupt electronic retailer was granted a breath of fresh air today as a Judge approved $1.1 billion in…

Apple’s latest update to Mac OS X, 10.5.6, has been causing several problems since its release last week. The Bluetooth glitch comes to mind immediately. An even more serious glitch,…

How many followers do most people really have on Twitter? The average number of both followers and other members people on Twitter are following is about 70, according to the…

HP has a quick and dirty little iPhone (and iPod touch) application that may interest you. It’s free, too!

Lenovo ThinkPad W700ds broke cover over the weekend, there are so many questions on how it will work. This quick, 10-sec video does shed some light on how the action…

Facebook Chief Privacy Officer Chris Kelly will be announcing his candidacy for the office of Attorney General of California, we’ve heard from multiple sources. He’ll be running in the 2010…

Social travel site HereOrThere, backed by Hugo Burge (the internet entrepreneur involved in Cheapflights), has now been running for a year and three months. What has it achieved? Just 681…

There are a few sites out there that let you aggregate your entire online presence into a single place, but for the most part they offer little control over the…

Any news article, blog post or message board rant that uses the phrase “PlayStation family” should be teased mercilessly. It’s a weasel word borne of public relations speak.

As the famous phrase goes: I liked the product so much, I bought the company. Ok, well it’s not quite the same, but I’m happy to say that TechCrunch Europe…

Tired of lugging around paperbacks, but don’t feel like dropping the extra change for a standalone e-book reader when you already own an iPhone? ScrollMotion has announced that they’ve partnered…


Nerf Vulcan hacked into chaingun

4:04 pm PST • December 22, 2008

We all know that modding a Nerf gun to fire up to 500 rounds per minute is not easy at all without a proper guide. Fortunately some folks always have…

It’s been an exciting year filled with a cornucopia of gadgets having passed through the CrunchGear offices. Most I’ve loathed and a few I’ve adored, but only a handful of…


Video: WhiteKnightTwo takes flight

3:48 pm PST • December 22, 2008

WhiteKnightTwo, the plane that will eventually launch Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo just took its maiden test flight and the videos are already up. Watch them and see how weird this plane…

TrustedPlaces, one of the UK’s earliest ‘social’ local review startups, has admitted that they were in speculative sales talks until recently. I confirmed with co-founder Walid Al Saqqaf who said…

Tired of the glare from the sun on your notebook screen? Well, LG has cleverly found a solution to use that sunlight for increased visibility and efficiency. Today, LG Display…

Among the major goals of the world are decreasing hunger, stopping preventable yet widespread disease, and promoting education and literacy in third-world countries. That last one may get addressed soon,…

The RIAA’s new scheme to fight music piracy doesn’t sit well with small ISPs. Under the plan, rather than file lawsuit after lawsuit against John and Jane Doe, who may…

Not only are EA games going to be released on Steam henceforth—in and of itself a big deal—but the games will be totally free of DRM. It seems the largest…

Texting while driving is incredibly dangerous – perhaps moreso than driving under the influence according to some studies – yet it is a widespread habit that is socially acceptable, especially…

Nokia’s maps caused a big stir in Jabalpur city, India, because they show Kashmir as being part of Pakistan. Led by members of the youth wing of BJP, one of…

Financial bloggers are going to like this one. Wikinvest is getting ready to release a Livequotes plugin that automatically adds a stock quote every time a publicly traded company is…

I was invited to a gadget geek/IT entrepreneur/web industry last week and had the chance to meet some of the Japanese rock stars in this area, for example Tetsuya Mizuguchi,…


CrunchDeals: Quiksilver Opus jacket now half off

12:59 pm PST • December 22, 2008

I’d like to think I had something to do with this. Heh. The Opus jacket is now only $200, which is half of what it was when I reviewed it.…


Kodak taking cost cutting to the extreme

12:47 pm PST • December 22, 2008

Kodak must not be doing so well. As part of a cust cutting move, the company is eliminating a vital, but still annoying, business tool. Free Coffee? Not yet. Elevators?…

I’m not sure how many hardcore Java/BUG developers are lurking around these parts, but if any are out there: BUGLabs has a new toy for you. As the newest addition…