
Following swiftly on the heels of a Thanksgiving that broke records with $4.2 billion in online sales, Black Friday also hit a new high, although it just fell short of…

Black Friday sees record $7.4B in online sales, $2.9B spent using smartphones

It’s a tiny-but-still-annoying part of almost every meeting and phone call — once you agree to meet someone or call them, there’s still another flurry of emails as you try…

Smart calendar startup Meetingbird aims to take the headache out of scheduling

Following Microsoft’s acquisition and today’s shutdown of the beloved mobile calendaring application Sunrise, the company announced this morning an upgraded Outlook application which now features Bing map integrations, event icons, plus something…

Microsoft updates Outlook for iOS with Sunrise-inspired features

Google is rolling out a new, smarter Calendar app to go along with the two new Nexus devices out today. Both the Nexus 6 and the Nexus 9 run on…

Google Calendar App Gets Smarter And Prettier

In recent months, the iOS App Store has filled with “smart” calendars like Sunrise, Tempo, and Cue, for example, but despite its name, a new Tel Aviv-based startup called Calendo…

As The Smart Calendar Market Heats Up, Calendo For iPhone Doesn’t Want To Just Manage Your Calendar – It Wants To Fill It

In March we wrote about the launch of UpTo, an iPhone app that attempts to build an event-based social network around your calendar, using the iPhone calendar API. Whether you…

Your New, Social Calendar: UpTo Now Lets You Discover And Follow Events, From Sports To TV

This product is not for me. Since the relatively widespread adoption of electronic calendars, I’ve sworn off old-school calendars for good. I was the guy with the calendar hanging on…