Virgin Galactic

NASA may not be sending anyone to Mars anytime soon, the exploration of space and beyond – though on a much smaller scale – is being spearheaded by folks like…

Virgin Galactic Hits Milestone As Commercial Space Travel Rockets Toward Reality

Among the many things about living in the year 2010 that blow my mind (robot vacuums, smartphones, Google Books), the fact that we are at the beginning of commercial space…

Check out the latest on SpaceShipTwo, the first commercial option for spaceflight. It’s not going to be cheap to fly, but damn that spaceship looks sexy.

Somewhere in sleepy Wisconsin – actually in Oshkosh – Virgin Galactic displayed the mothership Eve to the general public for the very first time. The plane soared over thousands of…

After testing delays last year, Virgin Galactic and Scaled Composites successfully took to the skies with the Mothership Eve at the SC testing site in the Mojave. has the…


Video: WhiteKnightTwo takes flight

3:48 pm PST • December 22, 2008

WhiteKnightTwo, the plane that will eventually launch Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo just took its maiden test flight and the videos are already up. Watch them and see how weird this plane…


CrunchDeals: 30-minute space flight for $74,000

10:00 am PST • December 2, 2008

A London banker named Per Wimmer will be taking a 30-minute space ride in XCOR’s “Lynx” two-seat suborbital space plane (see our previous coverage) in 2010. Los Angeles-based XCOR is…

What won’t the porn industry think of? Virgin Galactic president Will Whitehorn wouldn’t disclose who the studio is, but said the offer “was $1 million, up front, for a sex-in-space…

When Virgin unveiled the White Knight Two in late July we were told that test flights would begin in September, but that doesn’t appear to be true since it’s the…

Rich is apart of the Virgin America and Virgin Galactic exchange program that allows VA captains the opportunity to pilot the Virgin Galactic flights when they start in 2010. He’s…


White Knight 2 photo gallery

1:05 pm PDT • July 28, 2008

Isn’t she beautiful?


Branson to marry couple in space

12:13 pm PDT • April 21, 2008

I’m likely never going to get married, but if I ever do, I want to do as this couple is, in space. Branson’s launching Virgin Galactic next year as the…

I actually am pretty sure that the people who can spend $2,000,000 on space tourism are a different demographic from the people who scrounge miles to get free tickets. And…

Burt Rutan and Richard Branson are doing their “deep pocketed space explorer” thing again. They’ve revealed the second version of their suborbital spacecraft, aptly called “SpaceShipTwo” and pictured above, presumably…

This morning, Richard Branson’s spaceship startup Virgin Galactic unveiled the second design of its suborbital vehicles, SpaceShipTwo and White Knight Two. I am blogging this from the press conference at…