
The Senate has passed the Higher Education Act (the House passed it earlier this year), which, among other things, provides for federal monies for student loans. What’s most interesting to…


Beware of streams bearing gifts

6:30 pm PDT • July 21, 2008

Hackers are now using ASF (Advanced System Format) to trick PC users into installing malicious software. If you’re not familiar with ASF, it’s a Microsoft-defined container format for media streams…

An employee at an investment firm exposed clients’ personal data while using LimeWire. One of the clients was Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer. Much of his personal data was stolen!…

That New World Order-sounding anti-copyright infringement treaty that we mentioned a few days ago has been leaked. The proposal, at least. And yes, it looks just as frightening as the…

So much controversy surrounding Comcast’s “proposed” Bill of Rights and Responsibilities regarding P2P use. The Slashdot reaction was typical: I pay for a service and they’d better damn well deliver…

Many have wanted a “bill of rights” for Internet subscribers for awhile, and now the idea has the backing of an unusual group: Comcast. Comcast has been in the news…

A rather self-serving ENDORSEMENT for your reading misery today. I don’t know what I was doing last week, but records indicate I didn’t ENDORSE anything! At all! I don’t know…

Just when the recording industry is getting comfortable with the idea of digital downloads for music, piracy and all, along comes a new breed of online copyright infringement: that of…

Verizon’s getting set to share the results of a recent study it conducted showing that “when an ISP cooperates with a file-sharing software maker they can speed downloads an average…


Quo vadis, Qtrax?

7:51 am PST • January 29, 2008

[photopress:qqtrax.jpg,full,center] Qtrax, ostensibly the first free and legal P2P service, went live yesterday to all sorts of questions. If there record labels didn’t sign any deals with the service, whose…

[photopress:qtraxqs.jpg,full,center] There’s some controversy regarding the music industry’s latest band aid, Qtrax, which is touted as the world’s first free and legal P2P service. The idea is you’ll put up…


Comcast fires employees for P2P discussions

12:02 pm PDT • October 29, 2007

Comcast employees are on lockdown with the recent storm of controversy regarding accusations that the ISP is throttling Bit Torrent traffic. Those in Comcast’s support department is finding out that…

Let me rephrase that title in the form of a statement instead of a question. We better see a browser-based Joost in the near future. With the impending release of…

In a rather odd move not normally seen in the business world, anti-piracy company ViralG has put some of its technology up on the digital auction block. For $1 million,…