lawrence livermore national laboratory

We still don’t know what the scientists did to better their numbers, but the bump in energy-out suggests that the new results are not a fluke.

Scientists repeat breakthrough fusion experiment, netting more power than before

Commercial fusion is still probably decades away, but promising results show how we might get there.

World-record fusion experiment produced even more energy than expected

Zap Energy has reached two milestones that could nudge it ahead in the race to offer low-cost, carbon-free energy — a $160 million Series C round, and a successful test…

Zap Energy nets $160M Series C to advance its lightning-in-a-bottle fusion tech

Fusion power plants will eventually replace most conventional power plants and related large-scale energy infrastructure that are still so dominant today. There will be no need for coal or gas.

Laser-initiated fusion leads the way to safe, affordable clean energy

Pleasanton-based green energy startup NDB, Inc. has reached a key milestone today with the completion of two proof of concept tests of its nano diamond battery (NDB). One of these…

Self-charging, thousand-year battery startup NDB aces key tests and lands first beta customers