
Since today will probably be a bit slower than normal due to a certain event, I’ve been trying to find some tidbits that might just brighten up your day. Whether…

The geniuses over at MIT have developed a new programming language that requires almost no knowledge of real languages like C++ or Java to learn. Dubbed “Scratch”, this new language…

Not all 3-D movies are terrible, but most are rehashed pre-teen jokes with adult innuendos and crappy voice overs. While waiting for Spiderman 3 to start, I had to sit…

Look, we tried to offer some advice on how to stay fit and not end up looking like a land monster. But since kids are so hell bent on being…


WurlyBird – Stupid Name, Fun Times

10:17 am PST • March 5, 2007

Totally Wicked Brahhh! Though the name sounds like something you’d pay $10 to a hooker for, the WurlyBird is actually designed with kids in mind. It’s basically an indoor fair…


Discovery Biosphere Terrarium

4:30 pm PST • February 23, 2007

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that this Discovery biosphere is awesome. Aside from looking totally cool, it is a valid educational experience for children.…


Draq Queens Unite For The YOUniverse Funk Fone

12:16 pm PST • January 24, 2007

After a long day at CrunchGear, I usually get ready for the nightlife by slapping on some cherry red lipstick, some eyeshadow, blush, and a lot of concealer. Then I…


MySpace Getting AMBER Alerts

11:19 am PST • January 23, 2007

The next time you decide to plot the kidnapping of your neighbor’s kid for beer money, you may want to re-think what you’re doing: MySpace is now equipped to send…

Emergency Bear gives your kids more than a hug. Emergency Bear gives your kids things he or she will need while running away from the guy in the van that…


Bow to Your New Banking Robotic Master

1:54 pm PST • November 20, 2006

We love robots. We really do. And we don’t just say that so that our asses are covered when we’re forced to serve mechanical overlords—we’re saying it from years of…


Buzzkilling Digital Piggy Bank

3:37 pm PST • November 7, 2006

The Pig E Bank takes all the mystery (and, thereby, the fun) out of your kid’s stash by telling them exactly how much money it contains at any given time,…


Snap Circuits: For the Kiddies

10:12 am PST • November 6, 2006

When I was a kid, I had something similar to this, but I got it at a garage sale. Since it was secondhand, it was missing parts. I remember flipping…


BOB Will Turn Off Your TV

12:12 pm PDT • October 24, 2006

Back in the old days, my mom was around to shut off the TV when I was watching too much. She also used to tell me to stop using the…


ToyQuest Releases PMP/PVR For The Kids

9:12 am PDT • October 18, 2006

A couple of weeks ago, I stopped by a Tiger Electronics tent that was set up to showcase all of the new toys coming out this holiday season. They all…