
We’ve given you a first look at Iron Man 2 way back in June last year, and two months ago, we reported it will be Marvel’s first IMAX movie when…

Wow, for the first time I’ve found that Twitter can actually be useful. Here’s a new trailer for “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” that I wouldn’t have known about…

There’s going to be a live-action movie in the works based on “Turok,” which many of you might find familiar from Turok: Dinosaur Hunter on the Nintendo 64. Apparently it… UPDATE: Oh man, you guys missed it. It was pretty awesome. UPDATE 2: Three cheers for Jonny U! To whom it may concern, I watched the video you uploaded…


'X-Files: I Want To Believe' trailer

3:41 pm PDT • May 12, 2008

Apologies if you’ve seen this before, but it says “New trailer” on YouTube and was added today, so who am I to argue? This movie looks awesome, by the way.…

I know since I wrote up that article on piracy I’ve been talking about it a little more than usual. Today though, I have a hot little story for you.…


Motorola To Unveil 30 FPS Phone, Shooter

9:10 am PDT • May 10, 2007

Big Daddy over at Motorola Ed Zander said that next week, his company will show off a new phone capable of playing movies at 30 frames per second in very…

Not all 3-D movies are terrible, but most are rehashed pre-teen jokes with adult innuendos and crappy voice overs. While waiting for Spiderman 3 to start, I had to sit…


Lionsgate Comes To iTMS

11:29 am PST • February 12, 2007

If you’ve been waiting for your fix of Swayze and Arnold, it’s finally time. Lionsgate films has released over 150 titles to the iTunes Music Store, including classics like Dirty…