
The poll results from yesterday are in, and it isn’t even close. 80% of you think Craigslist (46 million US visitors) is more important than South Carolina (4.5 million residents).…

South Carolina has the dubious distinction of being the first state to secede from the United States, in 1860. You could say that they had very strong feelings on the…

Stand Firm Craig (and Jim)

3:13 am PDT • May 18, 2009

South Carolina Attorney General Henry McMaster is giving even the normally sleazy Attorney General title a bad name. This is an office that has little to do with protecting the…

After coming under increasing scrutiny from various state attorneys general for the open prostitution listings in its “erotic services” category, Craigslist is now folding in the face of criminal charges.The…

OLX, the Craigslist for the rest of the world, has raised $5 million in funding from from Nexus Capital India. The company raised $13.5 million in Series B funding in…

The various state attorneys general have focused like a laser on Craigslist these past weeks. Like most politicians hoping to get reelected, Attorneys General tend to follow the press and…


Free keychain anyone?

11:23 am PDT • April 29, 2009

Found in the free section of Flint, MI’s Craigslist page: i bought my lieing, cheating ex girlfriend this key chain it flashes the name and is solar power and will…


Yet another Craigslist mystery

8:10 pm PDT • April 15, 2009

See, this is what I’m talking about. How the hell is anyone suppose to see the desk for sale with all the junk on top? I, as a potential buyer,…


Question about craigslist

3:20 pm PDT • April 13, 2009

Ever wonder what a person was thinking when creating a specific ad listed on craigslist? I do. Take this ad for a computer desk.

Craigslist is a cool place to buy and sell stuff, it has a massive audience and you don’t have to pay the listing fees that Ebay charges. On the downside,…

Oh, my. Remember the MSN Web TV thingie? Yeah, it hooked up to your tube TV and gave you access to the internet – or something like that. Anywho, this…

eBay is having second thoughts about how easy it will be to spread the Kijiji brand in the U.S. The company is testing out the name “eBay Classifieds” in two…

How bad is the economy? In an effort to raise money for his rent, one man named Victor is trying to sell his Digg account on Craigslist for $650. It’s…

Corkin is a new web service that combines classifieds listings with a set of social tools that the company says differentiates it from juggernauts such as Craigslist and eBay’s Kijiji.…

Did you hear the news? Craigslist is completely broken now, unless you use it for things like “finding apartments” or “selling stolen goods.” Why? The site has signed a deal…

We’ve come across two new services that help make perusing Craigslist even easier by focusing on the images that are included with many listings. Craigslist notes which listings have images…

This inbox item caught my eye. Ebay commissioned a survey on behalf of their fast growing Kijiji product (it competes with and engages in litigation with Craigslist). The survey revealed…

If you were to start a company from scratch to take on Craigslist today, what would you do different?  And no matter what you do, would it make a difference?…

While now may be the best time to buy an iPhone 2G on Craigslist or eBay, it sure as hell isn’t the time to buy an iPhone 3G on those…

Number erased. I don’t want that poor guy getting prank calls on account of me (but you can still email him) Now that “it” is coming out tomorrow, you should…

Has the announcement of the iPhone 3G, and its $200 starting price, affected prices for the current iPhone? Eh, not really. A quick scan of the Internet—yes, all of it—shows…

Microsoft Live Expo, their experiment with classified listings that launched in early 2006, will be shut down on July 31, says a notice posted on the site. New listings have…

Walmart has added a classified listings service to their site. Silicon Valley startup Oodle, which was founded in 2004, is powering the service. The listings are free, which means Walmart…

It was bound to happen, and today it’s official: Craigslist is countersuing eBay, claiming unfair competitive practices, fraudulent business claims, copyright infringement and more. The auction site has a roughly…

Following the lawsuit eBay filed against Craigslist two weeks ago, Craigslist is punching back today. In a countersuit (complaint embedded below), Craigslist wants back the 28.4 percent of its shares…

A lonely LA Craigslist user is looking for Zune love in all the wrong places. He posted a “Strictly Platonic” personal looking for someone to share music wirelessly with. As…

Just came across this gem of a Craigslist post in my RSS reader. computer/gardening help (Cambridge) Harvard academic requires help at home/home office. Approximately five-10 hours a week to help…

eBay Vs CraigsList Complaint Released

11:21 pm PDT • April 30, 2008

document.write(”); Read this doc on Scribd: eBay Craiglist Complaint var scribd_doc = new scribd.Document(2763891, ‘key-qccx84bmybapelweq62’); scribd_doc.addParam(‘height’, 500); scribd_doc.addParam(‘width’, 560); scribd_doc.addParam(‘page’, 1); scribd_doc.addParam(‘mode’, ‘list’); scribd_doc.write(’embedded_flash_2763891_15rwhl’); eBay has released a copy…

Putting a value on private companies is hard enough for insiders and venture capitalists who have full access to the company’s financial statements. When outsiders try to do it, even…

Things are getting messy in the used items category of the Internet, a place where many of us get our gear. Auction site eBay is suing Craigslist, of which it…