
Remember that awesome video that was made for the Twitter iPhone app Birdhouse last year (if not, watch it)? Well, that guy, Adam Lisagor (aka LonelySandwich) is back at it…

iCharge – Jack Dorsey gets some Euro heat

7:00 am PST • February 11, 2010

[Germany/UK] It didn’t take long. Square, the iPhone credit card transaction startup co-founded by Twitter’s Jack Dorsey, already has a European competitor. Like Square, Berlin and London-based iCharge wants to…

It didn’t take long. Square, the iPhone credit card transaction startup co-founded by Twitter’s Jack Dorsey, already has a European competitor. Like Square, Berlin and London-based iCharge wants to democratise…

Jack Dorsey's Square May Get Some Euro Heat From iCharge

When the mobile payment service Square launched in December, VeriFone rushed to get its own version on the market. A couple weeks ago, they accomplished that with the launch of…

VeriFone Going After Square Hard. Ads In NYC Taxis Already.

As we noted back in December, VeriFone wasn’t just going to sit back and let Square, the new startup by Twitter creator Jack Dorsey, dominate the iPhone/iPod touch payment space.…

Tonight after the Crunchies is an after-party taking place at City Hall in San Francisco. Staff members of TechCrunch will be there with a couple of iPhone/iPod touches to accept…

In terms of new hot startups, Square is among the hottest. And for good reason. If it takes off, it has the potential to transform the way vendors and consumers…

Ten Technologies That Will Rock 2010

3:50 pm PST • January 1, 2010

Now that the aughts are behind us, we can start the new decade with a bang. So many new technologies are ready to make a big impact this year. Some…

It’s been just a week since the debut of Square, a service that lets people take physical credit card payments via their mobile phone. Given how much positive press the…

The Famitsu [JP], Japan’s (and probably the world’s) most important video game magazine, awarded New Super Mario Bros. for the Wii with a perfect 40/40 rating just last month. It…

It’s about 9:45 am Paris time here at the sixth annual Le Web conference. Kicking things off is Twitter creator Jack Dorsey, who just launched his new startup, a mobile…

What A Square Receipt Actually Looks Like

2:43 pm PST • December 1, 2009

We’ve already had a number of posts about Square, the new mobile payment platform launched by Twitter creator Jack Dorsey today, but we’re going to keep posting on it, because…

Earlier today we wrote about Square, the new payment service cofounded by Jim McKelvey and Twitter creator Jack Dorsey. We also interviewed Dorsey and used Square to buy a coffee.…

As we first reported over the summer, Twitter creator Jack Dorsey has a new project. Originally known as “Squirrel,” the name has been changed to Square, but the idea remains…

We’ve been tracking Twitter founder Jack Dorsey’s Square since May when we first got the details on the new mobile phone payment service. Today the company unveiled its website for…