How to turn off World Cup notifications from Twitter

Image Credits: Bryce Durbin / TechCrunch

The football World Cup — yes, the “soccer” one — is one of the biggest sporting events on the globe. And it’s really fun to follow it on Twitter with all the memes, commentary and live tweets. But under Elon Musk-led Twitter it’s something different.

After the World Cup started, the social network started sending notifications to people who had Twitter alerts turned on — even if they didn’t want it. For folks following the World Cup, these notifications are not useful as they are often outdated and irrelevant. I have received a notification of a game with a 0-0 score in the 78th minute. So users are not really pleased by this.

So in case you also feel the same, here is an easy way to turn off the notifications — and you don’t even have to pay $8 for it:

That’s it. Now, Twitter won’t bother you with untimely notifications and you can enjoy the World Cup (or your favorite activity) in peace. This way, you don’t have to turn off all Twitter notifications just to get away from those pesky World Cup alerts.

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