Todoist launches a deep integration with Google Calendar

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Todoist is quite a powerful task manager, but it didn’t communicate with your calendar until now. If you’re a Google Calendar user and want to check your tasks and events for tomorrow, you currently have to check both Google Calendar and Todoist. This is about to change as Todoist is launching a deep two-way integration between Todoist and Google Calendar.

After hooking up your Todoist account with Google Calendar, your tasks are going to show up in your calendar if they have a due date. If you also entered a specific time of the day, you’ll see an event in your calendar. Recurring tasks will create multiple events.

After that, you can click on your calendar events, edit them, move them around and everything will be synchronized back to Todoist. This way, you get a calendar view of your tasks… in your calendar. It’s also a good way to let other people add stuff to your calendar thanks to shared projects.

If you have a ton of tasks and don’t want to clutter your calendar, you can choose to enable the integration for a project in particular. And that’s about it.

I’m not a fan of mixing your calendar events with your tasks, but I know that many people like to handle both in the same interface. As long as you’re a Google Calendar user, Todoist is now making that easier.

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