Here Are The Companies That Presented At Y Combinator Demo Day 1

It’s that time again! Today was Demo Day 1 (of 2) for Y Combinator’s Winter 2015 class — when investors and reporters get their first in-person look at many of the startups that YC has been incubating for the past few months.

Want to see what debuted? We’ll have a list of our favorites soon — but if you want something more exhaustive, we’ve got the whole list below.

Startups are listed in order of presentation, along with our attempts to describe the company in just a few words. We’ve also linked to our existing coverage for each company, where applicable.

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

A few companies presenting at the end of the day were noted as “off the record,” primarily because they aren’t prepared for public exposure yet. As detailing these companies prior to launch would hurt them, we’ve honored this request.

Tomorrow brings another huge round of presentations, so be sure to check back for that batch.

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