The 11 Memes That Define Oculus Riftbook (NSFW)

Now that the dust has settled, it’s time to have a little fun.

Virtual reality itself used to be a punchline. Now, Facebook and its latest purchase of Oculus Rift is the joke. But can Facebook raise and nurture Oculus Rift into the virtual reality device of the future? As the following memes show, not everyone trusts Zuckerberg and team to raise and nurture Oculus VR into the chosen one.

Proceed with caution.

It will be like Second Life but with more ads.


Facebook. For your face.

As the cool kids say, don’t hate the player…

Oatmeal apparently predicted Facebook For Your Face.

Somewhere, deep within Zynga, you know a team of engineers are working on the revival of FarmVille.

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