Another Trailer Pops Up On Vine As Marvel Teases New TV Series “Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.”

Though it’s but a baby in the app world, Vine is already making brands, advertisers, and especially media industry members chomp at the bit for some 6-second looping action.

The latest to join the herd is Marvel, who has posted a six-second teaser trailer for its upcoming “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” TV series. For those who were fans of the Avengers and other Marvel films, this should be a sweet little Sunday afternoon treat. But if it doesn’t satisfy, have no fear. A real teaser, one that lasts longer than 6 seconds, will debut tonight during ABC’s Once Upon A Time.

It’s interesting to see how brands are managing to pack a full trailer, some of which can last up to three minutes or so, into a six-second Vine. Most recently, the producers of the new Wolverine movie released a teaser for the film on Vine. That, just like this Marvel teaser, used the quick-cutting nature of the app to show tons of action and very little plot.

However, it’s worth noting that Agent Phil Coulson, a character from the Avengers who was thought to be dead (as noted by The Verge), appears within the Vine, giving a hint at what to expect in the series.

Interestingly enough, Vine seems to appeal to people both inside and outside the movie industry. Tribeca Film Festival loves the app so much that it started a #6SecFilms competition to see which creative producers could come up with the best possible Vines. It was a smashing success.

Even advertisers are thinking outside the box, with a new web app called VineTune looking to create awesome, interactive music videos for artists based on matching lyrics in the song with hashtags on Vine. Pretty neat, right?

This is far from the end of seeing brands use Vine, but as more and more jump on the bandwagon (and the difference between a consumer-made Vine and a brand-created Vine becomes more and more apparent), it’s worth wondering how Vine plans to treat advertisers and brands.

As you may notice, there’s a huge difference between Vines that are clearly made within the current restrictions of the app, and something like the Wolverine or Marvel teaser, which is obviously on a more professional level.

Check out the teaser Vine below:

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