Cedexis’ Openmix Platform Can Now Help Companies Avoid Amazon-Related Outages

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Cedexis, a company that specializes in helping companies use multiple cloud services to improve availability and load times, just announced that it is adding Amazon Web Services to its Openmix platform. With this, Cedexis says, its users will be able to avoid the kind of downtimes Amazon experienced in the last few weeks by hosting their data in multiple AWS regions and on other clouds.

Cedexis’ multi-region load balancer solution for AWS is now available in the AWS Marketplace and pricing starts at $200 per month. After that, the overall costs are based on the number of requests on Cedexis’ infrastructure.

The company, through its free and crowd-sourced Radar Community, constantly measures the availability and performance of virtually every cloud service and CDN worldwide. Whenever Cedexis detects performance degradations, its Openmix service can automatically direct traffic to more performant services.

According to Cedexis co-founder Julien Coulon, the company noticed issues with Amazon’s US-East EC2 area just before the service experienced a major outage on October 22nd, for example. Cedexis will offer a month of free service to any new customer who was affected by AWS’s last outage.

Cedexis, which has offices in Portland, OR, San Francisco and Paris, currently has about 250 clients, including major entertainment, media and eCommerce companies like Dailymotion, Dior, Canal+, L’Occitane en Provence, Volkswagen and Mozilla. This July, Cedexis also added video content delivery to Openmix, making it a more attractive option for video services.

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