The Key Subtle Notes From Apple’s Earnings Call

When Apple announces their earnings, they typically do so with much pomp and circumstance. You get a superlative-laden press release, which in recent years have been more than backed up by massive numbers. But it’s the earnings call itself that is often even more interesting. Because there are other, more subtle things said, almost in passing.

Like today, for example, when Apple COO Peter Oppenheimer casually mentioned that Apple would release their next major operating system, OS X Lion, tomorrow morning. Sure, everyone knew it would be coming before the end of the month, and tomorrow had been rumored this week as the launch date, but no one knew for sure — until Oppenheimer decided to disclose it during his opening statements on the earnings call.

Of course, this was calculated. Basically everything Apple does is calculated. That’s why even what they say in passing is interesting. So let’s look over some of those things from today.

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