Goowy Charges Ahead

Alex Bard’s flash-based desktop replacement Goowy, based in San Diego, has impressed me from the start. We originally profiled Goowy on August 17, 2005 and again a couple of weeks ago.

Today Goowy released further functionality. First, they increased storage from 100 MB to 2 GB. While that storage is only for use with email now, they will soon be releasing a virtual file storage product, allowing users to really put that 2 GB to work.

Second, Goowy released a flash-based desktop application that allows you to access core Goowy features without going to the site. Email notifications, RSS updates, calendar items, etc. are included. The look and feel is very much like Konfabulator, but we’ve noticed no performance issues on our machine as we did with that service.

If flash is your thing (and maybe even it if isn’t), Goowy is for you. Let us know what you think of it.

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