virtual goods

Discord expands its plans to sell custom avatars and other virtual items

After introducing an in-app shop that invited premium subscribers to buy digital decorations for their profiles, Discord now wants everybody to get in on the goods. Discord is expanding access to its

Periscope lets you buy and send Super Hearts that broadcasters can cash in

Periscope has a new revenue stream and a new way to attract the best live video content to its Twitter-owned app. Today Periscope launches Super Hearts -- in-app purchase virtual goods that users buy

The next big gold rush

As we look to the next evolution of our digital ecosystem, it seems certain that virtual goods will play a much larger role. From vanquishing new breeds of digital monsters to defining a modern asset

Study of Candy Crush players finds virtual currency buyers don’t go for upsells

The upsell we all fall for at fast food joints and places like Costco doesn't seem to work on purchasers of in-game currencies, according to a study conducted on millions of Candy Crush players. Turns

What iOS & Android Gamers Actually Spend Money On

After analyzing a data set of over 57 million purchases across both the Android and iOS platforms, analytics firm <a href="">Flurry</a> <a href="

Facebook Instant Credits Are Tripling Virtual Goods Sales For OMGPOP

<img src=""> Now that Facebook will require all games on the social network to <a href="

The Year In Virtual Goods By The Numbers

<img src=""> The global virtual goods industry put up some very impressive numbers this year. From <a href="