
You get the feeling that Palm had something to hide today. On the surface that makes no sense, considering it officially announced the Pixi, the company’s second webOS-based phone, this…

Looks like the never-ending “sync war” between Apple and Palm continues to rage on. According to numerous PreCentral forum contributors, iTunes 9 does NOT sync with their beloved Pres. What…

Yesterday the Internet was abuzz with an offer from Sprint that involved a $100 service credit if you port-in a number and buy a Palm Pre. It was a fair…

There have been a few rumors about Sprint cutting the price of the Palm Pre the last few days. Those might still work out, but until then there is this…

There has been a few rumors about Sprint cutting the price on the Palm Pre the last few days. Those might still work out, but until then there is this…

You know what Canada looks like? It looks like the best part of town – where everyone is cool and gets drunk all the time without hangovers and where you…

Hmmm, where have I seen this ad before? It looks a lot different than the weird Palm ad spots shown here in the States, so that’s not it. There isn’t…

Pre-thinking brings us the latest Tamara Hope Pre Ad with young Tamara talking more to her Pre than directly at us. Interestingly, Tamara looks much better when she isn’t Palm’s…

Well, despite the fact that the wireless charging system for the Palm Pre is popular and functional, the analysts at Strategy Analytics say that it’s pointless. Come again?

Didja hear that RadioShack is rebranding? The hoopla will of course include some sales to drive traffic. Apparently the Pre will be part of this upcoming sale and will be…

Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half. -John Wanamaker Advertising and branding are very complicated and very unpredictable fields, and…

If you weren’t one of the lucky ones that happened to snag a Palm Pre for $99 at Best Buy the other weekend thanks to a pricing snafu, has…

There is probably a good chance that if you wanted the Palm Pre, you already snagged it at a Sprint store or Best Buy. Amazon now has the smartphone in…

By now, you’ve heard the horror stories. Developers put their heart and soul into building an application for the iPhone App Store only to have it rejected by Apple. And…

Roger McNamee: Judgment Day

5:39 pm PDT • July 29, 2009

“You know the beautiful thing: June 29, 2009, is the two- year anniversary of the first shipment of the iPhone,” Elevation Partners (which owns a huge portion of Palm) co-founder…

BBG points us to this Palm Pre commercial remix that forces us to ask the question: Was Tim Robbins dead or dying in the Jacob’s Ladder. Was it like in…

Verizon confirmed in an analyst conference call that the Palm Pre, the little smartphone the could, will be available on Verizon’s network between Q1 and the end of Q2 next…


Palm Pre at Best Buy for $99 – Update

6:12 pm PDT • July 26, 2009

The internet is all aflutter with stories rolling in concerning the Palm Pre being sold for $99 with a two-year contract at neighborhood Best Buy locations. Although the Pre is…

Long after the Palm Pre hype machine has been turned off, Sprint is just now making the Pre available for purchase via There really isn’t advantage of ordering the…

“You know the beautiful thing: June 29, 2009, is the two- year anniversary of the first shipment of the iPhone,” Elevation Partners (which owns a huge portion of Palm) co-founder…

Whip out the bong, kids, and start in on that Afghani Kush because Palm has a new commercial. Put it on repeat if you’re on LSD.

One of the common downsides when using any sort of handset case or skin is that you often lose compatibility with accessories. Case in point is the Palm Pre and…

Despite the early fanfare and limited inventory at launch, Sprint doesn’t seem to be hitting it out of the park with the new Palm Pre. Earlier this month we reported…


Summer's Pre

6:00 pm PDT • July 13, 2009

EXT. Sunset Beach. Mother and Daughter walking. Daughter: Mom, did you ever have that not so fresh feeling? Down there? Mom: Sure, honey. We all do. Daughter: What do you…

Oh this is just stupid. A Strategy Analytics study has found that some Palm Pre users are complaining about the lack of an on-screen keyboard. Unbelievable.

We’re all quite excited here to find out that O2 and Movistar will get the Palm Pre in GSM form, opening the phone up to unlocking, hacking, and all sorts…

My, how time flies in the tech world. It was only one month ago today that the Palm Pre launched to the public, giving users their first chance to try…

My, how time flies in the tech world. It was only one month ago today that the Palm Pre launched to the public, giving users their first chance to try…

eBay has some red hot Palm Pres for about $320 – this one is ending in 28 minutes but I bet you could find more. I’m curious to know where…

Ed Snyder of Charter Equity Research estimates that there were 300,000 Palm Pres sold in June and there should be sales of about 1 million this quarter, on track with…