cards against humanity

Cards Against Humanity acquires ClickHole, will make employees the majority owners

Cards Against Humanity, the company behind the card game of the same name, has acquired the satirical site ClickHole from G/O Media. BuzzFeed News broke the story last night, reporting that ClickHole

Cards Against Humanity is selling diamonds and TVs for 99% off and totally winning (?) Black Friday

Half of my family (and half of the Internet, it seems) all has eyes and phones locked on the same Black Friday sales page right now — and, likely to the disappointment of the big retailers, it&#8217

CAH’s Max Temkin On ‘Secret Hitler’ And Making Fun Games For Money

If you’re a maker, getting people excited about what you’re doing can be difficult — no matter what it is you’re making. One guy, Max Temkin, has been “lucky” enoug

Here’s What Cards Against Humanity Is Doing With The $71,145 They Made On Black Friday

While a lot of the US was out and about shopping for themselves or others for the holidays, Cards Against Humanity ran their own Black Friday campaign, asking for $5 and in return the buyer would get

Cards Against Humanity Has Made Over $54K Selling Nothing On Black Friday

While chain stores everywhere are trying to get you to buy things in their physical and online marketplaces, one brand decided to sell absolutely nothing. For $5 a pop. That’s right. The group b

The Oatmeal’s Exploding Kittens Card Game Is Raising A Bomb On Kickstarter

Crowdfunding has been a massive boon to old school gaming. Who needs fancy 3D renders and immersive face computers when you have board games and shuffled slices of pulped tree, eh? To wit: The Oatmeal

Shut Up And Take My Money For The Cards Against Humanity: Tech Edition

You've played <a target="_blank" href="">Cards Against Humanity</a>, right? The so-called party game for horrible people? Well, <a target="_blank" href="http://www.theb