swine flu

Codagenix, a company developing vaccines and viral therapies for illnesses ranging from the flu and respiratory viruses to dengue fever, has raised $20 million in a new round of financing.…

Codagenix raises $20 million for a new flu vaccine and other therapies

UV wand kills H1N1 dead — dead I tell you

3:30 pm PST • November 16, 2009

There’s no shame in wanting to punch a medical epidemic right in its adam’s apple. Punch sickness, not people. That’s what I always say. If your white-hot hatred of Swine…

The swine flu (aka H1N1) isn’t really a hot topic anymore (when compared to the situation a few months ago), but it still remains a big problem. Today Sanyo of…

This has been a very exciting year for things-that-could-kill-us. First it was the economy that could kill us all; then it was those Somali pirates who posed a threat to…

Swine Flu Spreads Panic Over The Web

12:51 pm PDT • April 26, 2009

Earlier today, the U.S. declared a public health emergency over the Swine Flu, after confirming 20 cases of the flu spreading to humans in New York, Ohio, Kansas, Texas and…