Startup Battlefield MENA

Last call, startup fans! Tomorrow we kick off the first TechCrunch Startup Battlefield MENA in Beirut, Lebanon. We sifted through more than 400 applications to find the 15 very best early-stage…

TechCrunch Startup Battlefield MENA 2018 takes place tomorrow

On October 3 — a mere 48 hours from now — the Middle East and North Africa’s startup scene is in for the ride of its life. That’s when 15…

48 hours until Startup Battlefield MENA 2018 — buy tickets today

If there’s one truth that applies to early-stage startup founders, it’s that there never seems to be enough time to get it all done. We feel your struggle. That’s why…

One extra week to apply to Startup Battlefield MENA 2018

If you’re looking for a way to launch your pre-Series A startup to the world, there’s no better platform for that than TechCrunch’s premier startup-pitch competition, Startup Battlefield. And now,…

Launch your early-stage company at Startup Battlefield MENA 2018

There’s nothing we love more than the excitement of Startup Battlefield, unless it’s bringing the world’s best early-stage startup pitch competition to a new region for the first time. And…

Apply to compete in Startup Battlefield MENA 2018